The fun part of owning cats

You know what’s worse than hearing a cat hack up a hairball in the middle of the night (when you just can’t get out of bed to clean up a mess because it’s three a.m. and you’re freaking exhausted)?

Not being able to find it the next day.

Sigh. I’m going to get a nasty surprise someday when I least expect it.

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2 Responses to The fun part of owning cats

  1. Pamela says:

    Better cat yak to be discovered dried out at a latter date, than cat pee on your head in the middle of the night. My first Orange cat did that to let me know he was not feeling well. Several hundred dollars and a removed impacted salivary gland later, he was back to normal.

  2. Veeshir says:

    That’s why dogs are superior.

    If they hack something up in the night, you expect it to be gone before you wake up.

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