Tig3.0 is 3.0

(I should have posted this yesterday, but I was busy.)

Tig 3.0 at three:

Tig3.0 is 3.0

Tig 3.0 at (barely) three months:
Baby Tig3.0 on an APC

Yes, that is the same APC. It’s the only one of that color in my house. What a difference a few years make, eh? He grew a bit.

Yesterday, for his birthday, Tig got a can of wet food without all the additives for his digestive health, catnip, turkey scraps for lunch, and turkey scraps for dinner. Gracie shared everything but the turkey, because she will only eat tunafish or cat food, nothing else.

It was a happy day for all three of us. I miss my previous Tig, but Tig 3.0 has filled his predecessors paws quite nicely. As I like to say, I won the kitty lottery. Tig 2 gave hugs. This Tig gives hugs and kisses. And Gracie is happier than she’s ever been. Yep. Life is good.

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7 Responses to Tig3.0 is 3.0

  1. Pamela says:

    Happy Birthday Tig! I knew he was big but WOW.

  2. Brian says:

    My Alex, who died last year, also gave hugs. Only cat I’ve ever had who did that. He also drooled copiously while hugging, but we didn’t mind.

  3. TMA says:

    Magnificent cat! Each one honors the memory of the ones that went before. Pet one, you’re petting them all.

  4. chairwoman says:

    Many Happy Returns to the magnificent Tig 3.0 from myself and the not-quite-as-big Otis!

  5. Rahel says:

    Tig 3.0 sure is gorgeous! Please wish him a happy birthday for me!

  6. Herschel says:

    Happy B-day to Tig3, and my wishes for a long, healthy, and happy life for the
    Yourish household!

  7. Elisson says:

    While moving some furniture around in our den, we found an old pic of Hakuna and Matata from their early kitten days, and it brought a lump to my throat. That pic of Tig 3.0 is like that: a reminder of how fast they grow into full-size cats. Sweet pics, Meryl – thanks for posting ’em.

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