Tuesday, briefly

Of course we are: Israel and the U.S. are behind the latest protests in Iran. Just ask the Iranian regime. Oh, and the Iranians are calling for the execution of the opposition leaders. Now that’s democracy! Woot! I am breathlessly awaiting Obama’s condemnation of the Iranian parliament and leadership.

Hezbollah is targeting Israelis around the world: Israel raised its threat levels on foreign missions. CNN raised its rhetoric levels in the story headline.

Israel closes embassies over terror fears

One of a million subtle ways the media have to put Israel in a bad light. Those scaredy-cat Israelis! Afraid of a little suicide bombing threat!

Jordan’s in trouble, too: It is not looking good for moderation in the Middle East. And Abdullah isn’t a despot like Mubarak was. Isn’t it interesting how the only nation in the Middle East whose citizens are not trying to overthrow the government is the one that actually has free and fair democratic elections? Yeah, the one that everyone calls the illegitimate state, the apartheid state, the oppressive state… shyeah.

Shariah Law: It’s not for lovers. Malaysian love police arrested 40 unmarried couples in hotels yesterday. Yep, that sharia law is going to be awesome as more and more countries adopt it. It’s totally tolerant.

Authorities carry out raids each year on Valentine’s Day in this Muslim-majority country, after the main Islamic body issued an edict in 2005 banning Muslims from celebrating what it said was a day synonymous with vice.

By the way, the name of the raid was “Operation Valentine.” Malaysia does not heart premarital sex.

By the way two: Think the media will pick up on this the way they pick up on anything the religious Jews in Israel do? Nah, me neither.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA: Saudis to remove books deemed to promote terrorism. Oh, come on. Pull the other leg. No, seriously. My sides are hurting now.

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One Response to Tuesday, briefly

  1. BethesdaDog says:

    “Malaysia does not heart premarital sex.”

    What about post-marital sex?

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