Well, that was easy

I’m configuring my new work computer. Got it mostly set up (can’t figure out why the monitor speaker doesn’t work, but I’m pretty sure it’s because I can’t find a connection to the wire that’s sticking out of it). Transferred my Firefox profile. Will be transferring work files later tonight or tomorrow. Oh, and Tig is a happy, happy camper, as he helped. He checked out all the empty boxes and stuff.

Holy crap, this thing has a lot of USB ports. And it has a noisy keyboard. I’ll have to do something about that. I seem to be making a lot of typos with it as well. Somebody moved my keys. Also need the keyboard to be up higher. And (sigh) there’s a ton of files to transfer from my personal laptop to my old work laptop, which will be mine as soon as I give my boss a check and let the lab guys wipe the HD clean. I’m starting to think I need a bigger desk. Nah. Just a more organized one.

Tig helping

Gracie helped, too.

Gracie helped too.

And now, time to clean up and get out of here.

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6 Responses to Well, that was easy

  1. Pamela says:

    I just love it when the kitties help put things together. All the inspections plus hide and seek.
    They sure have furred up for the winter.

  2. Rahel says:

    Well, of course, the boxes are the real treat!

    How are they getting along?

  3. A.C. Gray says:

    You can never have too many USB/IO ports, too much memory or disk space! Nice to see the feline helpers got a chance at the boxes.

  4. They get along fine, although Tig hasn’t given up on getting Gracie to play with him again. She did for a couple of months, then he got bigger than Gracie and that was the end of that. While I was putting together the computer, Gracie checked out the boxes, and Tig hid behind something and leaped out at her a half dozen times, to Gracie’s contemptuous stares. Poor Tig. That’s one reason I’d be open to getting a third cat, but only if I have a second person in this house to take care of them.

  5. BethesdaDog says:

    Boxcheck is critically important in any setup.

  6. Yes, and so is being paranoid about going from your old computer to your new one. I’ve deliberately gone slowly, and yesterday at work, suffered my second blue screen in less than 24 hours on my BRAND NEW machine. It’s in the lab now, being re-imaged, while my old computer is plugging away perfectly. I refuse to allow the old one to have the HD wiped until the new one proves it can do the job. (I get to buy the old one for a significant discount, thus upgrading my home laptop to one that’s only three years old instead of five.)

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