The view from my window

I thought I was dreaming when I got up this morning.

The view from my window

That’s the view from my office window. Here’s what it looks like from the front door:

The view from my front door

That was a surprising thing to wake up to. On my way home from NJ, I hit a few pockets of sleet, but I didn’t expect snow in Richmond in early December. (Nobody expected snow in Richmond in early December.) So much for the forecast I heard of a warm, dry winter in Richmond. I’m thinking a reprise of last year might be in the cards.

Well, I have my cheap Chinese boots, made from the skin of the Nauga, so I’m prepared.

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5 Responses to The view from my window

  1. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    “Well, I have my cheap Chinese boots, made from the skin of the Nauga, so I’m prepared.”

    As my mother might say: Let’s have a moment of silence for the little Naugas.

    I have a long way ahead of me on Chicago’s coldest day so far.
    There’s a ton of ICE out there so I’m wearing my Stable-Icers. They’re blunt spikes that I strap on to my boots so I won’t get caught unawares by black ice as I did yesterday.

  2. soccer dad says:

    Did Al Gore just visit Richmond?

  3. Jonathan says:

    Of course the rain turns to snow once I head out of town; and no white stuff on the ground up in this part of NJ (below the “snow line”)

  4. Pamela says:

    oh. it looks fluffy.

  5. A.C. Gray says:

    I miss this. I am still trying to wrap my head around Hannuka and Christmas being in the middle of summer down here. True in my former home (PNW) it was mainly rain but we did get snow. As long as no travel was involved I liked snow and the cats were very bemused when the big fluffy flakes fell(FEATHERS!).

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