Oh, it’s Halloween

Went to the gym this morning and couldn’t understand what kind of idiot would work out in a floor-length dress. Then she came near me, and I realized she was a staffer in costume. (She was a princess.)

Oh. Right. NOW I get it.

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3 Responses to Oh, it’s Halloween

  1. Pamela says:

    When I went to the market today, there were several zombies running around.

  2. The fact that they were running is a dead giveaway [snicker] that they were fake zombies.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Adults dressing up in costume right out in public is not a good sign, Meryl. It is a signifier of the increasing adolescentization (if that’s not a word it should be) of our society. Halloween used to be considered something for children.

    I first noticed ostensibly grown-up people who were not teachers or salespeople walking around in costumes when in the early eighties I lived in the Los Angeles area. This is yet more confirmation of my theory that any social trend that starts in California is bad.

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