Boycott Israel: Lose your lives and your jobs

The Presybterian church (PC-USA) wants to boycott and divest from all companies that do business with Israel. Great idea, guys! You don’t want to support the country that gives us new and better ways to detect cancer with a simple blood test:

Prof. Aryeh Admon of the biology faculty claims that the test will provide doctors with a rich variety of information that until now has not been available and is suited to the trend of “personalized medicine,” in which treatment is suited to the genetic and other characteristics of the patient. The development was part of the doctoral work of Dr. Miochal Bassani- Sternberg and will help suit medication to the patient.

As opposed to current blood tests for cancer which merely note whether cancerous cells are still in the blood stream, the new test will be able to differentiate between different kinds of cancers and tumors as well as other diseases. Scientists are now working on the technique.

That’s right, boycott Israel. Because you’ll be taking money away from companies that are creating new methods of fighting antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Or killing HIV cells and preventing AIDS.

Or you can totally boycott General Dynamics, which will be building an infantry fighting vehicle that was developed in Israel, but that will be made more cheaply in the USA.

Israel is having a U.S. firm (General Dynamics) manufacture 600 of the new Nemer IFV (infantry fighting vehicle) over the next eight years. The first hundred or so were built in Israel, but the rest can be built more cheaply in the United States. One infantry battalion is already equipped with Israeli built Nemers, and the other three battalions of the Golani Brigade will get Nemers over the next three years.

Damn those Israelis, sucking away American tax dollars. It’s not like they contribute jobs to the struggling Amerian economy or anything like that. Oh. Wait.

The news that the AP doesn’t bring you. But that’s why you read blogs.

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2 Responses to Boycott Israel: Lose your lives and your jobs

  1. anon says:

    This is because more than 1,000 PCUSA members a week are leaving their pews.

    Still, the gonifs in charge need to cover their shamans – um “religious leaders”
    – retirement expenses. So the “wise” stewards of that “faith” have to dip into their reserves.

    And how better to explain their fiduciary losses than to blame it on the Jews?

    So original too.

    Those very wise leaders of the PCUSA have come up with a brand new idea that is
    over 3,000 years old. As “Christians” wouldn’t they be better off following the
    Scriptures instead of pagan practices thousands of year old?

    I was taught that true Christians love the Jewish people and aid them in every
    way possible. And then the Lord will look with favor upon us.

    The PCUSA has forgotten that most essential part of Christianity.


    “Churches reporting the highest membership losses are the Presbyterian Church (USA), down 3.28 percent to 2,941,412 …”


  2. Alex Bensky says:

    China, with its massive repression of Tibetans and Ughurs, they’re OK with. The Sudan they’re OK with. Isolating Zimbabwe is not something that occurs to them.

    One might think they would hesitate just a little before expressing their delicate moral sensibilities about the sins of Jews, but so it is not.

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