Saturday night open thread

Been having a life this weekend, since an out-of-town visitor is here. Showed her the Richmond sights, then went to the Byrd Theater for the second-run showing of Prince of Persia. You know, that really is a fun, fun movie. Tonight was the second time I saw it, and I liked it just as much the second time as I did the first. We met my friend Sarah and the kids at the theater, and we got to hear Bob Gulledge at the Mighty Wurlitzer (which was quite awesome).

I think the funniest part was when Max, who is not quite nine yet, laughed as loudly as I did when the prince said something like “If only I could be that lucky” after the princess told him to go die or something. After Max stopped laughing, he said, “It’s ’cause she’s so annoying, isn’t it?” Yep. He is one sharp cookie. This, mind you, is the child that had a discussion with me about what happens after you die—when he was six.

It was a very fun evening. Tomorrow we’re going shooting, something that my New York City visitor doesn’t get to do a whole lot of.

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One Response to Saturday night open thread

  1. Laura SF says:

    Max sounds great! My son was like that – at age 6, he derived the “self-fulfilling prophecy” while discussing a classmate’s obnoxious behavior. Then at age 7, while making hamantaschen with me, he suddenly asked: “If we’re just going to die anyway, why are we even alive?” …And shortly after that, people started calling him The Rabbi.

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