If it’s Sunday, this must be media bias

Can the AP ever hold the bias? Ever? Regarding Bibi Netanyahu’s proposal to meet with Abbas every two week, the AP writes:

The Israeli leader’s proposal appears to indicate that he is serious about the talks and won’t allow them to fizzle out after next week’s meeting in the U.S.

In every story, the AP doubts Netanyahu’s seriousness. In zero stories, the AP doubts Abbas’ seriousness, even though in the very next paragraph, they write:

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said he hadn’t heard about the proposal but would be open to the idea. “We are not against this in principle, it’s just premature to talk about this now,” Erekat told The Associated Press.

So you see, the Palestinians are serious, even though the closest they can come to saying “Hey! What a great idea!” is “We are not against this in principle.” Does that sound like seriousness to you? Does that sound like wanting to reach an agreement?

No. But that violates the narrative, so the AP must instead insert its own editorial views in what is supposed to be a fact-based piece, and those editorial views are decidedly pro-Palestinian.

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