Your Monday morning briefs

I really don’t like Mondays, particularly because I usually make the drive to Company in Northern Virginia, and it’s a damned boring drive.

Because not all of you read Instapundit: The Atlantic rounds up the many opinions about Jeff Goldberg’s reporting on whether Israel will attack Iran. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to hear that Stephen Walt accuses Jeff of advocating for war. That’s right, Goldberg is, after all, part of The Israel Lobby™. Walt is such an asshole. There really is no other word for him. Oh, wait. There’s also Jew-baiter.

Awesome Muslim outreach, dude! The Arab League is ignoring Obama’s warnings and pushing the IAEA to push Israel into admitting it has nuclear weapons. Wow, that Cairo speech keeps on giving more and more dividends. I’ll bet Obama is really happy that he bulldozed Israel for the first year and a half of his administration, because his relationship with the Arab world is so much better than Bush’s ever was.

They were gonna kill off Han? Seriously? Wow, that would have made the last episode of the Star Wars trilogy even worse than it was. But here’s a great tell-all interview with George Lucas’ former producer, who details the long, slow march into suckitude that Star Wars went through thanks to Lucas’ greed. And bad taste.

Hell Temperature Check on Aisle Two: Read this BBC article on the Gaza flotilla raid. It’s—it’s—good gosh, I think it’s unbiased!

No, really, the IHH aren’t terrorists—they just REALLY like terrorists. A lot. The IHH is congratulating Hamas on forming a new terrorist group. You really can’t make this stuff up. Sure, they had a representative make a congratulatory video on the formation of a new group dedicated to murdering Jews, but hey, what’s a little “military wing” violence between friends? Wink-wink, nudge-nudge, it’s the military wing, they support the other wing, right?


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