Lies, damned lies, and Turkish lies

Apparently, lying runs in the Erdogan family. Mrs. Prime Minister Erdogan hosted a meeting with Palestinian businesswomen, and told them that Shimon Peres’ response to her husband at Davos in 2009 some of the things that Peres said that made her cry:

  • Hamas is anti-Democratic
  • The Hamas charter contains references to killing Jews
  • 1,167 Israelis died in terror attacks and over 8000 were wounded
  • 5,500 rockets and 4k mortars were fired by Hamas since they took over Gaza
  • Israel left Gaza completely
  • Israel supplies fuel and water to Gaza
  • Mubarak and Abbas accused Hamas, not Israel, for bringing on the Gaza war
  • Iran supplies rockets to Hamas and Hezbollah

Some of the “truths” that Erdogan said at Davos:

  • There were no rocket attacks after the cease-fire ended
  • The rocket attacks don’t kill anyone
  • Two former prime ministers told him that they felt happy when they entered the Palestinian territories in tanks

I swear, I’m starting to think that lying is absolutely ingrained in Israel’s enemies. I think they must be spoonfed lies about Israel from birth, and it just gets worse from there. It’s Orwellian in scope.

I hope you cry a lot more about Israel’s “lies,” Mrs. Erdogan. Because the truth, apparently, really does hurt you.

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6 Responses to Lies, damned lies, and Turkish lies

  1. sabbahillel says:

    It should be “Orwellian” not “Orwelling”

  2. Rahel says:

    I’m no psychologist, but to me, it smacks of pathology of one kind or another.

  3. Herschel says:

    Meryl, their lies are all part of “taqiyya,” they can count on the neo-communists, and their useful idiot left wingers and media, to believe the propaganda they espouse without any hesitation.

    “Taqiyya — Religious Deception Due to the state of war between dar al-Islam and dar al-harb, reuses de guerre, i.e., systematic lying to the infidel, must be considered part and parcel of Islamic tactics. The parroting by Muslim organizations throughout dar al-harb that “Islam is a religion of peace,” or that the origins of Muslim violence lie in the unbalanced psyches of particular individual “fanatics,” must be considered as disinformation intended to induce the infidel world to let down its guard….true peace would prevail in the world just as soon as Islam had conquered it.”

  4. Sabba Hillel, yeah, noticed it this morning and fixed it. Typos!

  5. Empress Trudy says:

    Once you ignore the fact that the Turks are stating things which are essentially insane, you continue to live in Turkey at your own peril. If they can do this they will institute a pogrom. I am 100% dead serious about this.

  6. Lorenzo says:

    Muslim countries are shame based societies in which the inhabitants are structurally incapable of accepting personal responsibility for their actions. That’s why Nasser delared victory in 1967 prolonging the war that gave Israel time to consolidate its hold on captured territories. Nasser just could not accept defeat. Muslims need to find a scapegoat to blame for their own mistakes. The Jews, Israel, the U.S. Great Britain serve this purpose admirably.

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