Snarks, snarks, get your snarks here

Damn, the bulls did a poor job this year: The running of the bulls, and they could only manage three with bumps and bruises? Geez. What about some good, old-fashioned gorings? (I always root for the bulls on this one.) Wait! Update! A goring! Go bulls!

And yet, they’re helping Iran achieve this goal: The Russians are saying that Iran is getting closer to nuclear weapons. Say, Putin, have you stopped beating your wife yet? Still selling those anti-aircraft missiles? Are Russian scientists still in Iran helping them build nuclear “power plants”? If you answered yes to any of the above, you’re an effing hypocrite.

Disgusting child rapist freed by Swiss fans: We’re such prudes, we Americans. We want a man to pay for raping a 13-year-old girl that he dosed with drugs and alcohol. The Swiss? Nah. It was too long ago to bother with. Hey Polanski: Die already. Preferably soon.

IDF checkpoint staff save Palestinian; media last to know: You won’t read about this in the AP or Reuters Israel news. A Palestinian was bitten by a viper. His friends rushed him to a checkpoint and asked the soldiers to help. They called a medic and then sent the shepherd to an Israeli hospital. He’s fine now. Those racists! How dare they ruin the narrative!

Oh, please. Join the 21st century, already. I rarely comment about religious issues, but you know, some people have got to get over the problem with women taking a larger part in Judaism.

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