The Obama-Netanyahu aftermath

So, what was the scorecard of the big meeting?

Barry Rubin says it was pretty much theater.

Obama praised Netanyahu just as much on the “peace process.” The president said: “I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants peace. I think he’s willing to take risks for peace.” Remember that quote when Obama turns on Netanyahu again after the November elections. As for risks, we’ve had enough of those, thank you very much.

The WaPo reports that Obama was going to try to get Netanyahu to apologize to Turkey for killing nine “activists” during the flotilla raid. I don’t think that’s going to happen. In fact, I think sooner than see Israel apologize, we will see the UN pass an anti-Turkey resolution regarding the flotilla.

Noah Pollak summed up the play-by-play, but seems wary of Obama’s newfound friendship to Israel.

And Mahmoud Abbas? Well, before he sends his people to direct talks with Israel, he wants more “trust-building steps.” Understand that that’s what the Palestinians always do when pressed to negotiate in good faith. They put up barriers, make conditions, and move the goalposts. It’s not like Abbas hasn’t been saying this all along.

Now let’s see if Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden call that statement a slap in the face to the United States, call up Abbas and ream him out for 45 minutes, and let lots of leaks out about how pissed off they are with the Palestinians. What’s that you say? Never gonna happen? (Of course not. Israeli Double Standard Time is in effect.)

Hamas is absolutely thrilled with the status quo, because they think they’re winning.

And what do I say? I think Soccer Dad hit it on the nose. This one was all show for Obama, who is trying to get Jewish Democratic pockets to open up again before the November midterms, and who is trying to soothe Jewish voters who are getting antsy about the Dems’ commitment to our only reliable ally in the Middle East.

On the other hand, at least it gives Netanyahu some breathing room for a few months.

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One Response to The Obama-Netanyahu aftermath

  1. Licorne Negro says:

    If Israel don’t abandon it’s politics of appeasement of the West and the Muslims, and start acting in terms of Realpolitik, Israel will slowly cede until turn weak. And the arabs, all we know, will don’t be all merciful and so…

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