Newest Flotilla video: We Con The World

Jack passed this one along to me. Thanks, Jack! Update 6/12: Cowardly YouTube removed it. EyeblastTV put it up. Hence, the change.

For background:

And this:

And where’s the MEMRI video? I seem to have misplaced the link. Well, someone will find it.

And if anyone out there is good with video ripping skills, boy, there are a lot of places in this video you could insert the pictures of weapons, the shots of the Turks getting ready to bash the IDF, shots of them attacking the boat as the IDF tried to board… I’m not all that great with video, but I know some of my readers must be. Here’s the IDF YouTube channel. It’s the motherlode.

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One Response to Newest Flotilla video: We Con The World

  1. jive shive says:

    Good on yer mates for keeping this video going after gutless Youtube caved to the (so-called) “International Community.” It’s about time the Double-Good Thinkers were pilloried for their knee-jerk antipathy towards Israel, while playing deaf and blind to Hamas’ genocidal agenda. So as the “herd of independent minds” indulges its usual two-minute (-week? -month?) Izzy hate to express their “outrage” over the latest action by the Middle East’s only functioning liberal democracy to defend itself, the rest of us are laughing our butts off. (Thanks also to John Derbyshire at National Review for pointing out the analogy of the global media’s reflexive Israel-bashing to the Two Minute Hate in Orwell’s 1984, not to mention his mockery of the sacred International Community.)

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