Turkey Blaming Israel

Enough is enough! I just read Ari Shalit’s article in Haaretz about why Israel needs to admit it was wrong and bend over and take it from Turkey so that Turkey won’t see ISRAEL as a terrorist state! Are you kidding me!

TURKEY, T-U-R-K-E-Y, is at fault here in so many ways that it boggles the mind. What kind of friend would offer support and sponsorship of a flotilla of ships to break a blockade designed to maintain the security of its ally in order to aid that ally’s sworn enemy??? Please tell me!

What kind of friend would go out of its way to violate the security needs of Israel and the US as well as the other nations working to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons by negotiating its own agreement solely for the purpose of aiding one of the worst enemies of the democratic world and the primary enemy of its “close friend” Israel??? Please tell me!

The United States should quietly let PM Erdogan know that continuing to pursue this path will jeopardize Turkey’s standing in NATO along with all economic agreements and potentially render it a state sponsor of terror. Remember, Hamas is a recognized terrorist organization and Iran is a terror sponsoring nation. Being friendly with them should not in any way be considered defensible, much less meritorious. Enough!

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One Response to Turkey Blaming Israel

  1. Empress Trudy says:

    You really needn’t upset yourself by scanning the insan-o-sphere of Haaretz. It’s unhealthy. And there’s nothing to be learned. Everyday, every front page is cribbed from the Arab press.

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