Flotilla briefs

Heartless IDF commandos order elderly man to “sit down.” The horrors! Relevant quote:

After the Israelis gained control of the ship, he said, “they didn’t harm anybody after that. They harmed some folks in getting on board as people tried to block them from taking over.

Yes, once again, the only real violence happened aboard the Mahatma Maru.

“Activists” turning out to be “terrorists”: Evidence is mounting that the attackers on the Mama Mia were trained terrorists looking to murder Israelis. Gee. Who could have predicted that?

Obama continues the abandonment of Israel: Who could have seen this coming? The Obama administration wants an investigation into the Mu Mu attack. Actually, I second the motion, but I don’t want the UN anywhere near it. I would like to see, say, an American addition to an Israeli investigation. That would satisfy those who want an “independent” investigation, and it would satisfy me that it wouldn’t be a hatchet job.

“Peaceful protestors” came with bulletproof vests and night vision goggles: Seriously. But they’re peaceful protestors, and bulletproof vests are a natural part of a peaceful protest. Oh, and they were carrying thousands of dollars in cash. So they were trying to smuggle into Gaza cash and military equipment—isn’t that what all peaceful protestors do?

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14 Responses to Flotilla briefs

  1. Lorri says:

    I voted for Obama and will be watching with interest how he deals with this situation over the next few days. He has a difficult balancing act between his moderate and far-left supporters when it comes to Israel. (I’m pro-Israel, btw.) I don’t see his call for an investigation as an abandonment of Israel; it’s just the standard response when there is an incident involving people’s deaths. However, there may come a time when he is forced into taking sides and I hope that he will have the courage to do so on the side of Israel. If he doesn’t, it will be a long time before I vote again for a Democrat. Today while reading Clinton’s comments I was glad I didn’t vote for her. At least the president had the moderation to ask people to wait until they heard the whole story before pronouncing judgment.

  2. Willard says:

    You certainly post a lot of information on this site, and it’s not difficult to see where your bias is, which is fine, but your link to “evidence” that the people involved in this mission were trained terrorists contains very little evidence at all. Are there better links to support this? So far the only weapons seized seem to be clubs, knives and sling shots.

    Also, I see by some of your other posts, you take offense at PITA using the term holocaust to advance their own agenda. I’m having a hard time accepting the idea that IDF soldier who were armed with guns and attacking a ship (yes, whether you think it was justified or not it was an attack) can claim that they were being (or about to be) lynched. The IDF seems to have latched onto this term, and you with them, and it is disrespectful of the countless people in the US and other place around the world who have suffered real lynching. I’d drop the term, it’s not accurate and seems a little desperate.
    The best thing Israel can do now is take the humanitarian aid that’s on those ships (if there is any) check it for weapons etc. and deliver it to Gaza asap.

  3. Have you watched the videos I linked? If not, go do that and come back when you’ve watched the terrorists stabbing an Israeli soldier in the back, throwing another one to the lower deck of the ship, and beating the rest of them with metal rods.

    Israel has already delivered most of the aid to Gaza. It was shoddily packed, so much so that the dockworkers said no other port would have allowed it. Gee. How is that possible, when this convoy was all about the aid?

    As for the term “lynching,” I don’t think you understand what it means to an Israeli. It’s not the same term as we use here in the States.

  4. long_rifle says:

    “the only weapons seized seem to be clubs, knives and sling shots”

    I ASSURE you, if you use ANY of those against a person, ESPECIALLY a soldier, or a COP you will be charged will assault with a deadly weapon.

    There is no difference between how deadly a gun is or a knife in close combat. This is something that civilians don’t understand. They think a person with a holstered gun shouldn’t feel threatened when subjected to a knife or club attack. In the time it takes to draw a gun and fire, a knife wielding attacker can cover several yards and stab you, possibly fatally. The only reason we don’t have dead soldiers here is they were wearing armour, and helmets. In close combat I’ll take a knife ANY DAY. A firearm can be grabbed, and twisted away. Or the hammer can be blocked, rendering it unfireable. A knife can’t be easily taken away. In a quick swipe one can sever an artery, or paralyze the diaphragm, depending on the length of the blade. It’s harder to take a knife without SEVERE injury to one’s self. It can be done, but it’s difficult.

    The video doesn’t show “activists” detaining soldiers as they drop down, which they could have done. They could have prepared to take hostages, or POW’s. Or even to arrest the soldiers. But they didn’t. The video THEY released before the event shows their intent. They wanted to kill some Jews, or BE killed. The video shows that quite clearly. They came down, and were immediately pounced upon. The terrorists started to beat them with pipes, and clubs. In America that would be classed as assault with the intent to murder.

    Then there’s the “international waters” claim. Israel is upholding a blockade. They warned the ships, but they did not stop. “Intent” is a part of law as well. We all know exactly what the ship meant to do. And so did Israel. With that intent known they were right to stop the ship, inspect it, and to detain those that were about to violate the blockade.

    And “very little” evidence is much more then none at all. If there were terrorists on that boat then even more doubt is shown as to how “humanitarian” the mission really was.

    This was a setup. If a person can’t see that then there’s not much I can do. These people meant for this to happen. Actually, they meant to KILL them some Jews before they were stopped, or killed. But even though no Jews died, their mission was a “success”.

    Israel is always held to a double standard. If you kill more enemy then they kill of you it MUST be because of disproportionate use of force.

    I SHUDDER to think what WWII would have been like if we could only kill as many Axis as they killed Allies. For some reason I think the war would have ended differently.

  5. Bear1909 says:

    What a waste of energy to continue this “debate” over Israeli use of force. IDF boarded with paint ball guns. They carried holstered side arms. And they are met with combative force, lethal force of clubs and knives, by people wearing Kevlar. Hmmmmmm. And the boats were funded by an anti-Israel ally. Hmmmm. Smell test anybody?

    The jihadists are ramping up for war. Cave the blockade and critically impair Israel’s right to defend herself. Nice strategy if you can get it to work. But when the gloves come off, how many of these Berkeley based collaborators are going to put themselves in front of IDF automatic rifles and tanks. Right now it is chic and cool to be collaborating with the bad boys of Hamas and wearing those spotted scarves that symbolize “radical” whatever. This is a game still to post South African apartheid protest factions around the world. “Lean on them til they collapse.” Won’t work here. Their Muslim counterparts with whom they are pledging solidarity want them dead too, or taxed or converted to an 8th century religion. But this is a game to the beret wearing Alinskyites from the USA. And the self-loathing Jews of America who voted for O-hole, it is a way for them to bathe in the blood-lust of radical Islam to assuage their guilt and shame at being Jews. All in the ramp up to war, this will be the narrative of regret “It was right in front of us the whole time and we didnt see it.” IDF and American troops will die to protect the American protestors elite privileges to rebuke the very nations that enable them to protest in the first place…..so they can lay down with the rats and scorpions and vipers who want them dead. Be careful I say—- this is a ramp up to total war that you may very well survive and live out the rest of your days in publically avowed shame and disgrace because you don’t get how you are being played for the infidel fool that you are.

    Bear1909 out. (Just a free-thinking American living in Berkeley CA where the Jew hatred is so thick it rivals what rolls in from the sea.)

  6. sabbahillel says:

    I should also emphasize that the “guns” that the first group of Israeli soldiers were carrying were paint ball projectors not rifles. when a person carrying a paint ball projector is attacked with a knife, (and is using both hands to rappel down a rope, who is the person at a disadvantage and who is the “victim”?

  7. Dave B says:

    Our President has already opened the door for this type of behavior in so many ways. His obvious detachment to Israel and open snubs of her and her leaders, his “condolences” to Turkey was a nice touch. If many Americans (including many Jews that voted for the bastard) can see his is anti-Semetic I’m pretty sure Islamic activists and terrorists can figure it out. If many Americans are openly concerned about his lack of leadership, spine, and willingness to stand up to bullies around the world then it’s not too much of a leap to figure the rest of the world sees it. North Korea sinks a war ship in an act of war and nary a peep from Obama yet he wants an investigation on this?

  8. Turkey’s foreign minister is calling the flotilla incident Turkey’s 9/11.

    At first, I assumed he meant that the Turks were in the Al-Qaeda role in 9/11, but then I realized he was painting the Turks as the victims.

    You know what?

    If the 3,000 dead on 9/11 had been terrorist and terror-befriending Jew-hating armed douchebags like had died in the flotilla interdiction, I say being on more 9/11s until America runs out of those douchebags.

    Heck, put ’em all in the Astrodome. We don’t need it anymore.

    Call it The Douchebag Bowl and let ‘er rip.


  9. Y says:

    lol, willard. national authorities boarding a ship with the intent to detain it, inspect it, send it back where it came from, or even arrest people aboard it, is not “attacking” the ship. what a bunch of hysterical B.S. if it were, i think the coast guard might be in for some legal troubles too.

    you know what IS an attack though? when the people on the ship start beating on those authorities as soon as they can with metal clubs and knives and throwing them overboard. that’s some pretty serious criminal behavior.

  10. Willard says:

    I will stand by my position that on the high seas, IDF authority does not need to be recognized, and people that resist having their vessel boarded have the legal high ground in any confrontation. If you board a ship under these circumstances YOU are the aggressor and attacking an aggressor, no matter how viscous the attack, does not automatically make you a terrorist, sorry. Having a ship full of weapons does, but so far the evidence I’ve seen of weapons is photos of clubs and sling shots. And if as you say these ships have been emptied of cargo, there are no terrorist-grade weapons to be found.

    Was confrontation what the activists wanted? Was this what they planned for? Do they hate Israel? I’m guessing that the answer is yes to all of the above, but it’s not really relevant to this point.

    On another point, I don’t see how your lynching link support anything other than my point. Perhaps I missed something, but it seems to describe an incident where non-aggressive individuals were cornered by an aggressive mob, detained and killed. That’s exactly how I would describe a lynching, but I don’t see anything in these videos to justify the use of this term.

  11. Willard, are you a maritime lawyer? An attorney specializing in international law? Because if you’re not, I don’t care how many times you repeat yourself. Give me a legal basis for your assertions or move along.

  12. Actually, let me explain a little about debates here, Willard. I expect fact-based statements. I expect people to clearly show me what law Israel is supposedly breaking. Statements like “Israeli violated international law” don’t wash. Because everyone says things like that, and yet, when asked which treaty Israel is violating, they cannot name one. When asked what law, they can’t point to a specific international law. On the other hand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs went to great length to point out how the law is on Israel’s side regarding the boarding of a vessel that intends to run a blockade. The U.S. Coast Guard boards vessels outside U.S. jurisdiction constantly—if they’re suspected of being drug runners.

    So if you want me to take your argument seriously, you’re going to have to do better. Cite sources. Cite legal experts. But don’t cite, say, quotes by various and sundry people saying that the blockade or the boarding is illegal.

  13. long_rifle says:

    And again, you refuse to acknowledge that a weapon is a weapon. It doesn’t matter if it was just a club, iron bar, or a knife. If you use a weapon against another person they can defend themselves.

    In Michigan, I’m licensed to carry a firearm. If attacked and I fear for my life, I can use it.

    Let me tell you, if I was set upon by a person, beating me with a club I’d not only shoot, but it would be considered justified.

    Again, in international waters ships can be boarded if they show intent to do something wrong, in this case they showed the intent to run the blockade. As stated America and even Mexico do it all the time.

    Let’s not forget, one of the biggest whines is that these were “peaceful” protesters. But you yourself even claim they really weren’t. That they meant for this to happen. But then you reiterate that they still had the right to fight the soldiers.

    Now hold on here. If these WEREN’T peaceful protesters, but instead provocateurs DO they still have the right to defend themselves when others act on the threats they made?

    To use Michigan law again; any citizen can walk around all day with a gun visible. The cops can’t do a dang thing about it. Now this isn’t about having a permit. My permit, allows concealed carry. No permit is required if the gun is carried in the open.

    If a person walks towards a federal courthouse, and tells the Sheriffs on duty, “I’m going in there with this gun, and you’ll have to physically stop me.” The officers have the right to stop him, and he can’t say, “But I have a right to be out here with it! They couldn’t stop me till I was in the court!”

    So no. Once a threat is made, the people threatening lose the right of self defense. Of course they can still fight, but they no longer have a LEGAL defense in the matter.

    The pre-attack videos show exactly what they meant to do. In a REAL review, in a REAL court, the video’s would be shown. Intent would be shown, and Israel would be justified. The ships changed course, not wanting to pass into “Gazan” waters till daybreak for better publicity of the Israeli attack. They didn’t think Israel would attack in International waters. That’s the only thing they really hate. That Israel still showed them up. And yes, the PR move is working right now, but if Israel handles this properly it might backfire on Turkey.

    And it must really make them angry that another 9 terrorists died without taking a Jew with them. Do they still get their virgins?

    And yes. That last comment is an angry hateful stab at them. I don’t have to hide my hate and disdain for those people that want me either converted or killed. These people want ME dead as I will not convert. And I have every right to hate them for it, and wish them dead first.

    Do all Muslims think that way? Nope. But it seems too many of them support those that want to push Sharia Law everywhere. And sadly, the friend of my enemy IS my enemy.

    I support Israel. They did NOT steal the land. And if the Arabs hadn’t attacked, they won’t be occupying any land right now.

    Israel deserves the land she conquered. Why? Because the Arabs started those wars to “drive Israel into the sea.” And I doubt after that they would have given the land back. Arabs want ONE set of rules when they WIN, but another if they LOSE. And that’s unfair. Arabs fought with the intention of keeping the land they took, it’s only proper Israel gets to play by the SAME rules.

    Israel is NOT apartheid. There are Muslims in their government. How many Jews are in the Gaza Government?

    East Jerusalem is only “majority arab” because Jordan expelled all the Jews. In Israel that never happened, arabs left at the behest of other arabs, to make “killin’ Jews” easier. This is called “backing the wrong horse.” They left on the hopes of coming back to free, previously Jewish housing. They chose poorly.

    Gaza has the blockade because terrorists launches THOUSANDS of missiles into Israel. Stop attacking Israel and the blockade goes away.

    There is no peace not because of “settlements”, but because Hamas doesn’t want peace. If they did want peace why does their charter STILL call for the destruction of Israel?

    Anything I miss?

  14. long_rifle says:

    ALSO, this is a Jewish blog. For Jews lynching is when a person is about to be beaten to death. The video shows the soldiers were actively being beaten. By crazed people grabbing ANYTHING they could to get their murder on.

    Therefore calling this an attempted lynching is spot on. If the soldiers hadn’t fired, they would have been killed. I’m not saying it’s just because these are jihadists, it’s because in a mob situation, people can’t easily stop themselves. They lose their identity and their control, the soldiers would have been killed. Or lynched as Jews call it. End of story.

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