Flotilla news links the MSM won’t give you

Video of an IDF soldier being stabbed in the back by a “peace” activist.

More video of the IDF being attacked by the “peaceful” protestors.

Jameel is live-blogging. He reports word that there are Hamas terrorists hiding on the ship that attacked the IDF. Gee. What a surprise.

JPost reports that the “activists” were lynch mobs trying to kill soldiers. So does Ha’aretz.

An eyewitness account of “A Brutal Ambush at Sea.”

Seven soldiers and 34 “activists” are in Israeli hospitals. One of the wounded (not in hospital) was Sheikh Raed Salah, a known fomentor of riots. Gee, such a shock that he was wounded. Such a peaceful man.

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One Response to Flotilla news links the MSM won’t give you

  1. hs935684 says:

    When I was a kid, I learned how to make gunpowder using easily obtained chemicals. My buddies and I had a great time manufacturing and setting off our homemade “firecrackers”, until one day I ended up with 2nd degree burns on my hand. When you play with fire, expect to be burned. The sad thing, to me, is that Israeli commandos suffered injuries, and Israel is undergoing a hasbara disaster.

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