What’s the difference between comedy central and al aqsa tv?

Comedy Central publishes anti-Semitic, anti-Israel game

The Comedy Central website has published an anti-semitic game called “I.S.R.A.E.L. Attacks,” in which a murderous robot called Israel is called upon to wipe out every cartoon character on the show. The short animated movie that introduces the premise of the game portrays a “Jew Producer” being “busted” for stealing cartoon characters. “I.S.R.A.E.L” is then sent out to destroy them all.

(see also Daled Amos, Fiery Spirited Zionist, Seraphic Secret, Honest Reporting)

Martyrdom Indoctrination on Hamas TV Children’s Show: Children all Over the World Will Become Martyrs

Nassur the Teddy Bear: “Dear children, when we grow up, we will become martyrs, God willing. […]

“Yes, Saraa, the pioneers of tomorrow will liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The children, the pioneers of tomorrow, and not only in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, but all over the world, my dear Saraa and dear children.” […]

If you’re waiting for the punchline, unfortunately there isn’t one. Also, unfortunately, there’s not as much difference as one would expect either.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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3 Responses to What’s the difference between comedy central and al aqsa tv?

  1. Sona says:

    I thought you might want to check this out as another example imagine if this was Israel.

  2. Wow. Just—wow. And they call Israel the racist state.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Yes, indeed, the producers of a Sesame Street-type show for Palestinian children have a beloved character killed by Zionists so that the puppets can lead the children in a vow that someday they will become martyrs and revenge the death of the character. Remind me again about how Israeli intransigence is the obstacle to peace.

    And remind me of how J Street and the other “peace” groups in the western Jewish community strongly condemn this…not an anodyne “both sides should” but an outright, firm, unequivocal condemnation of constant and odious Palestinian incitement. Find me one example, if you can.

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