Yay me!

Twelve years ago today, I got up on a Monday morning and put on a nicotine patch instead of buying another pack of cigarettes.

Hey! It’s Monday! Twelve years to the day. I should go out and celebrate with a smoke.

Just kidding. I’m a smokeaholic. I can’t have just one. I’d be back up to a pack a day in no time.

Let’s see, a carton a week times 52, change the price due to the change in states, carry the three, and I figure I’ve saved, uh, thousands. That’s all I can figure out.

I can’t believe people are paying eight bucks a pack to smoke in some states. It’s gotten expensive here in Virginia, where tobacco is still rather princely. You know what my biggest vice is these days? Coke from Mexico, made with real sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup, that I buy at Costco. It costs me about $40 a month. I think I was spending about $40 a week when I quit smoking.

I think I win.

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13 Responses to Yay me!

  1. Doug Payton says:

    I had an uncle die in his 50s from smoking, spending the last few years on an oxygen tank. Major congrats, Meryl.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    I never smoked cigarettes,Meryl, but I did smoke a pipe for many years. Eventually I put the pipes and paraphenalia aside in a box and lost the box. I’d been smoking Balkan Sobranie Gold and I thought I might be having some sort of reaction to it, anyway. Or I could just have been a pipochondriac.

  3. Elisson says:

    Now all we gotta do is wean you off that sugary Coke.

    The Mexican coke – also available here before Pesach as Kosher-for-Passover Coke – is way better than that high fructose corn syrup shite. But it’s still empty calories, which are better used for things like wine or Scotch whisky.

    Long (and healthy) life to you, Meryl!

  4. sabbahillel says:

    That is why Kosher for Passover Coke is so popular with nonJews.

  5. Feh. Give me a Coke over an alcholic drink any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. There’s a bottle of wine in my fridge that’s sat unopened for months. Coke won’t last two days.

    They’re only 12-oz. bottles. If I limit myself to two a day, I’m good.

    Sabba Hillel, they’re not using cane sugar in the KP Coke. I bought some and didn’t like it. I wish Coke would just go back to using sugar for all the regular products.

  6. Cappy says:

    According to my more liberal relatives a cartoon is as dangerous as a carton.

  7. Stretch says:

    Smoking killed my Mom. Glad to know you’ll be around for a long time.
    As for all that money you’ve saved on cigarettes … spend it on ammo. Or another gun. But I’m biased.

  8. John M. says:

    Good for you! I actually quite drinking about a year ago and feel like my health has improved a good deal.

  9. Michael Lonie says:

    Congratulations Meryl. Keep up the good work. Treat yourself to a chocolate eclair by way of celebration.

  10. Gary Rosen says:

    Congratulations, Meryl. Even though I’ve never smoked I know this is hard to do, nicotine patch or not.

  11. Rahel says:

    I never smoked, but I got an idea of how hard it is to quit when my mom stopped smoking more than 30 years ago. Congratulations, Meryl.

  12. physics geek says:


    The Costco in Richmond carries Mexican Coke? Is it the one on Broad Street? Because I need to go and remind myself of what Coke used to taste like.

  13. physics geek says:

    BTW, congrats on the 12 years of being smoke-free. I remember how hard it was for my mother to quit.

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