Thursday’s news

Gee, I can’t imagine why: 91% of Israelis are opposed to Obama imposing a peace deal on them. I mean, who doesn’t think that a man with no foreign policy experience, coming into a decades-long, complicated problem, should totally be able to just tell each side what they should be doing to solve it? Look at what a great job Obama’s doing on the American economy!

Iceland contributing to global warming: Hey, they’ve got a volcano that’s spewing out so much ash it’s stopped air traffic across Europe. Tell me that’s not going to affect global warming! Not to mention screwing up all those people’s vacations and business trips.

Richard Goldstone banned from his grandson’s bar mitzvah: To be fair, I think it’s the security issue, not that his family doesn’t want him there. Either way, that’s a huge blow—or it would be, if Goldstone were religious. Or if Judaism really meant anything to him. Which, except for the cover that his background gives him to criticize Israel, I don’t think matter at all to him.

Another day, another African killed by Egyptian border guards, another loud silence from the UN and human rights organizations: Yeah, I think I said all I neded there.

“Moderate” Hamas murders “collaborators”: Yeah, it’s Israel that human rights organizations single out. But it’s Hamas that’s killing people for “collaborating” with Israel. If you’re new to this sort of story, “collaboration” is a code word for “This guy effed with someone in Hamas.” (Or Fatah, if they’re being executed in the West Bank.) I would also point out that there is no death penalty in Israel except for convicted Nazis, and the last one of them was hanged decades ago.

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4 Responses to Thursday’s news

  1. “Tell me that’s not going to affect global warming!”

    In fact, the dust cloud produced by the volcano, causes an opposite effect, that of cooling (remember the term “nuclear winter” – it is based on the same effect of dust particles covering the planet and preventing the sun getting to warm the surface).

  2. Oh, yeah. (Oops.) But the CO2 and gases belched out by the volcano would do the opposite, one would think.

    Of course, the moral of this story is: Meryl doesn’t know squat about science.

  3. geoffc says:

    It is probably a mixed bag. Sulfur dioxide, CO2, water vapour, methane, are all green house gasses.

    But the dust causes cooling. I think in the past, the net has been local cooling.

  4. velville in atlanta says:

    Goldstone’s exclusion from his grandson’s Bar Mitzvah is sad and shocking. It is a flag to me that even if I found his report loathsome (which I did) interference in family celebrations is no more appropriate among us than the Christian fundie lunatics in the States who protest at the funerals of military dead.

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