Monday briefs

When the AP is more balanced than the Voice of America, well… Seriously. Read the AP blurb on the Gaza clothing shipment, then read the VOA, and tell me which is the more balanced. Who runs the VOA? The State Department? At least the AP points out that Egypt is also blockading Gaza.

Obama hosts Easter egg roll, signs kids up for national service: Just kidding. I think he just bored the kids to death with an endless speech.

The non-spitting spitting incident: Amazing how liberals insist that even though the claimants are now backing away from saying anyone spit on them, they were still spit on. And the n-word was shouted. And yet, Breitbart hasn’t had anyone give him evidence that the members of the Congressional Black Caucus were spit on and called the n-word. Say, they wouldn’t have made it up to score points, would they? Nah. Politicians simply don’t lie. Not about things this serious. Right?


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2 Responses to Monday briefs

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    “Obama hosts Easter egg roll, signs kids up for national service: Just kidding.”

    Don’t give him any ideas, Meryl.

  2. Stretch says:

    It is always wise to treat Dept. of State as a hostile third world country.

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