Friday Israel briefs, terrorism edition

What part of “Death to Israel” don’t you understand? The Obama administration is indirectly talking to Hamas via “ex-US diplomats” who are talking to Hamas without official sanction. Really? Talking to the terrorist organization that swears at every opportunity it will destroy “the Zionist entity”? The one that sends its people to Iran for training in advanced weaponry and bomb-making? That Hamas? Shyeah, this’ll end well.

Where was the British concern when rockets were killing civilians? Typical. The British government, which is about to refuse to sell military replacement parts to Israel because their official policy does not allow them to be used in Israel’s defense (e.g., in Gaza, even though it is no longer occupied and thus does not fall under the “No-OPT” rule), is now all up in arms at the “escalation” by Israel. Said escalation? Responding to rocket attacks by blowing up weapons labs and a few terrorists.

The Obama dividend: Palestinian terror attacks up sharply in March. With the world marching in lockstep against Israel for building apartments in Jerusalem, reports like these just fly under the radar. Because after all, they deny the narrative that the Palestinians want peace. Attacks more than doubled. Oh, and here’s one from yesterday that didn’t make it to the March tally: Palestinians stoned a vehicle passing on a road near Nablus. That would be the same area that the Palestinians say they’re prepared to police again. They want control of all the pre-intifada (a.k.a. Terror War) territory, and that is doubtless what Obama will be pushing Netanyahu to accede. And if Israelis are killed after the Palestinians are running things? Well, Israel will be called on to “exercise restraint” and allow the Palestinians to get better at their job. The fact that Palestinian terrorists will be once again policing terrorism against Israel will fall upon deaf ears, as it always does.

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