Biden’s knee-slapper

Stand up comedian: Vice President Biden (h/t The Muqata last week):

“I just got back from five days in the Middle East,” Biden said. “I love to travel, but it’s great to be back to a place where a boom in housing construction is actually a good thing,” he said. Israel announced during Biden’s visit that it had approved construction of 1,600 homes in East Jerusalem, a move which the U.S. called an “insult” due to its timing. (Haaretz)

Israelly Cool observed:

That’s really funny, especially to those who have lost their homes and may stand to lose their homes in future thanks to the US pressure on Israel.

And then there’s the larger issue of what the administration is trying to accomplish. Israel Matzav wrote two weeks ago:

Because Jerusalem rent is so expensive, young families are trying to move out of the city. But the places that are cheaper that would be attractive to ultra-Orthodox families who would like to be near Jerusalem – Kiryat Sefer and Beitar Ilit – are over the ‘green line’ where the government has implemented a ‘settlement freeze.’ So they are looking for solutions in Jerusalem.

People have to live somewhere. Unfortunately, most of the ‘international community’ would rather that we just leave.

it’s a point that Elder of Ziyon expanded on yesterday:

In Jerusalem it is even trickier, as you need to add enforcing the unique character of certain neighborhoods, protecting holy sites, and ensuring equal access to all.

The international community, however, wants to stop the municipality from acting as all cities must. It wants to treat every new initiative and approval as an international incident. It wants to give veto power over Jerusalem to people who do not live there, who never lived there and who showed no interest in the city when they had the means to do so.

In short, the world wants to kill Jerusalem.

Do you think that the administration has its priorities in order?

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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8 Responses to Biden’s knee-slapper

  1. Karmafish says:

    Yes, well, we need the US to tell Israel where Jews may, or may not, live in the ancient Jewish capital. Can’t have us Jews living just anywhere in the Jewish state, after all.

    In truth, Obama is an idiot because he does not recognize the long, long history of people relegating Jewish movement and residence.

    And I voted for the guy!


    Not next time, that’s for sure.

  2. Eric J says:

    Here’s my latest idea – Israel should name as their Chief Negotiator Gilad Shalit, and regretfully inform the US and the PA that no more Peace Processing can occur until he’s available for consultation.

  3. Awesome idea. We should pass it along to Bibi.

  4. chairwoman says:

    Very cool. Go for it!

  5. Karmafish says:

    I LOVE that idea!

    The symbolic value is just superb.

  6. g says:

    Obama is not an idiot. He is a filthy piece of shit.

  7. Karmafish says:

    Hey g,

    you’re right. Obama is not an idiot. Nor is he what you called him.

    But he is no friend of Israel.

    He doesn’t understand that the Palestinians do not want a state next to Israel. He doesn’t understand, apparently, that they’ve turned down offer after offer after offer… and that time and again the Jews have agreed to an Arab state next to Israel.

    And, so, against all reason, he thinks it’s necessary to pressure Israel rather than the Palestinians.


    Forget it.

    He is an idiot… or, more probably, an anti-Israel ideologue at heart.

  8. Michael Lonie says:

    But no g, he’s clean and articulate. Just ask Joe Biden.

    You voted for him Karmafish? Couldn’t you see through the hype? It was easy enough to do. Anybody who gets compared by sychophantic reporters to Jesus Christ, and seems to believe at least part of his own hype, is vastly untrustworthy and far too narcisistic and delusional to hold power. Do not fall for such secular saviors in the future.

    Obam imbibed Third-worldism from his schooling. He imbibed a hatred of political and economic freedom from his communist mentors and his colleges. He imbibed antisemitism and racism from Jeremiah Wright. He gained hatred of America from all these sources. Of course he is hostile to Israel, which is an outpost in the Middle East of everything that Obama hates. That’s the same reason Israel’s enemies hate Israel. The Arabs and Iranians look at Israel and see an outpost of the West and particularly America. So do Obama and his lefty pals.

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