The United Socialist States of America

Welcome to the USSA.

Not enjoying the experience.

I’m betting Big Oil is the Dems’ next target.

Time for a fluffy kitty post.

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3 Responses to The United Socialist States of America

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Amnesty for illegal aliens. And a renewed effort to pass Cap and Tax, even though everybody now knows what a slimy fraud “Global Warming,” er wait it’s now “Climate Change,” is. Then more bills to add single payer to Obamacare, so we can have patients die of thirst in hospitals just like Britain’s NHS does. Pelosi has promised them. But they will get around to nationalizing the “commanding heights” of the economy soon enough. They’ve started with autos, banking, and health care.

    Impeachment is too good for these sleazy morons.

  2. Tatterdemalian says:

    Heh… if he does pass amnesty for illegal aliens, it will be weeks rather than years before the US collapses. And it will be ugly, when the farms shut down from being unable to pay their workers minimum wage and the food runs out. Time for me to get a passport…

  3. long_Rifle says:

    Obama NEEDS to pass illegal alien reform now. That’s the only way to save his party.

    He needs several million more guaranteed Democrat voters so he wins a second term. If they make the millions of felons legal citizens this becomes a one party country. Very scary.

    And farms shouldn’t be using illegal aliens. If they can’t produce crops without cheap labor then use prison gangs. I assure you, low level risks criminals love being out of their cells, doing near ANYTHING. Not only would they do the job cheaply, but most of the money could be used to pay some of their incarceration costs.

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