A slogan for the Obamacare debacle

Whether or not the House uses the Slaughter rule to “deem and pass” a bill that they will then have the president sign into law without it having been voted on by both houses of Congress, here’s a slogan for those of us who don’t want a government takeover of America’s healthcare business:

      We’ll remember in November

They think the American public is stupid. They think we’re forgetful. They think we won’t notice our taxes going up, our employment going down, and the crushing debt burden that this administration and Congress want to leave our heirs.

They’re wrong.

We’ll remember in November.

I’m terrified they’re going to pass this monstrosity. If they do, I’ll be remembering several Novembers from now. My senators both voted for it. Let’s not forget that there are 60 Democratic and independent senators that will be responsible for this as well as the members of the House.

Perhaps it should be “We’ll remember EVERY November” until we clear them out.

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4 Responses to A slogan for the Obamacare debacle

  1. Jonathan says:

    Hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed (with attribution, of course) your slogan…was really depressing to hear the resignation and feeling of inevitability regarding Congress passing this mess of a bill. L-rd knows it’s going to face challenges from the states’ and in the courts…hopefully before some real, lasting damage is done.

  2. I want the slogan to spread.

    I’m afraid we’re screwed. The Obamacare abomination is going to pass. He’s nationalizing healthcare and student loans. He’s nationalized auto companies and banks. What next? God only knows.

  3. anon says:


    A little noticed section of the Healthcare “Reform” bill contains a provision that will only allow the Federal Government to make Guaranteed Student Loans. Which means that higher education is ALSO going to be nationalized soon.

    Thoughtful people used to say that no single term Presidency could ever cause as much damage as Jimmy Carter’s did.


    By the way, have you noted all the glowing articles about the two geniuses behind President Obama? Axelrod and Emmanual.
    What is THAT all about?

  4. Yes, I know. Obama is nationalizing healthcare, student loans, the auto industry, and the banks. Watch him go for the energy industry next.

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