Tuesday morning snarks

The definition of hypocrisy: Iran is calling the Dubai assassination “Israeli terror.” Because gee, Iran never blew up a Jewish community center, an army barracks, or murdered Iranian expats in other nations. Israel eliminated a terrorist murderer arms supplier. One of these things is not like the other.

The EU condemns Israel; the sun rises in the east: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bad Israel! Bad! Killing a Palestinian terrorist was bad enough, but to use forged EU passports to do it? Oh, the horror!

Do as we say or we’ll kill you: Iran’s latest panty-twist is to threaten the attempted renaming of the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Gulf. If you dare not call it Persian, Iran will not allow your airplanes to fly to the tourist destination that is Iran. Because, like, everyone in the world wants to be in the state that murders its own citizens for protesting tyranny, hangs homosexuals, kidnaps foreign citizens and tries them as spies, refuses to allow men and women to watch sporting events at the same time, and, well, is pretty much a craphole that I wouldn’t set foot in for a million dollars. Arabian Gulf, dudes. There. Now I can’t go.

Of course it does: This Guardian article about anti-Semitism devolves into anti-Semitic comments. The wonder is that only five were deleted (so far). Best one of the bunch: “I am not anti semitic. I detest everything the Israeli state stands for.” Best response: “You’re not blind. You just can’t see.”

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, News Briefs. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Tuesday morning snarks

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    All the usual suspects are concluding that Israel carried out the Dubai hit because 1) the operation seems to have been efficient, 2) the perps got away, and 3) they were all, apparently, European looking.

    Taking these three bits of evidence in turn: 1) Arab intel organizations are pretty good at killing people. 2) They could arrange for their perps to get away on forged passports if they put enough effort into it. They are able to move people by clandestine means too. The Saudis used to move people they captured in Europe, and wanted to “question”, to the Wahhabist Entity by locking them in a large trunk and shipping it by air. This was discovered only by accident when some Italian customs officers heard the victim moaning in the trunk and freed him. 3) The Palestinian Arabs have been known to use Europeans for terrorist acts. I am thinking in particular of the hijacking of the Airbus to Entebbe, carried out by German Commie terrorists on behalf to the Palis. They’ve also used Japanese (the Lod Airport Massacre). Besides, there are lots of israelis descended form people who fled from Arab countries. If the Mossad wanted more local cover there is no reason why they could not have found it.

    So the slim evidence cited so far is hardly conclusive of Israel culpability for killing a man who was an active enemy of Israel and a terrorist himself. Even if Israel did it, why should they not kill an enemy? And finally, the only people thus far arrested by Dubai’s finest are Palis. Concluding Israel did the deed is premature. Let’s see if Dubai ever comes up with some unequivocal evidence. An admission by the Head of Mossad to the Knesset might do.

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