The textbook anti-Israel comment

It’s been a long time since I took a typical anti-Israel comment and expounded on it in a post, but this one is a textbook example of so many of the anti-Israel shits that it merits its own mention. A troll calling himself Alan Fox left this on Snoopy’s Goldstone post:

Actually, film director Jonathan Demme is preparing a full length feature docudrama on Goldstone Facts in time for the Cannes Film Festival. In addition, Nelson Mandela and Anthony Hopkins will (along with Vachon who voices many Hollywood movie trailers) provide some of the narration. Let’s see…you’ve got that matinee idol Alan Dershowitz on your side, and God knows what other bozos. Israel’s moral stature is crumbling by the day, Meryl. Even former hasbara diehards like Jeffrey Goldberg and Tom Friedman are leaving the rat infested sinking ship (The Jewish Homeland). Do you really want to stay on board with moonbats like Pamela Geller and Leon “anti-Semite!” Wieseltier?

The comment simply demands to be dissected. Let’s start with the most obvious: There is no such documentary planned. The whole basis of Alan’s argument starts and ends with a lie. Note that there are no links to the supposed docudrama project. A quick Google search tells you why. You won’t find a thing about Jonathan Demme planning a docudrama on the Goldstone report, or anything remotely related to Israel. I’m going to take a wild guess that “Alan Fox” came here as a result of Snoopy linking that pathetic “Goldstone Facts” site. He’s one of their authors, possibly, and not one of their smarter ones. Alan couldn’t read the byline before directing his comments at me. Hey, genius: Snoopy wrote the post. (But of course, I hold with everything he said about that pathetic site.)

Now let’s head to the rest of his anti-Israel arguments:

Even former hasbara diehards like Jeffrey Goldberg and Tom Friedman are leaving

Really? Jeffrey Goldberg has deserted Israel? I think not.

I’ve been writing since 2004 that Israel will one day be considered an apartheid state if it continues to rule over a population of Arabs that doesn’t want to be ruled by Israelis. That is why it is vital for Israel to establish permanent, internationally-recognized borders that more-or-less adhere to the 1967 border. Unlike Andrew, I believe that Israel has tried to free itself from ruling these Palestinians (the pull-out from Gaza is an example, as is Ehud Olmert’s recent, unanswered offer to the Palestinians to pull out from virtually 100 percent of the West Bank). But the reality remains: It will be very dangerous for Israel to engineer this pull-back, but it will be, over time, fatal for it to stay in the West Bank.

Those are not the words of a man who is deserting Israel. These are the words of a man who is gravely concerned about Israel’s existence. Again, we find nothing but lies in Alan’s comment. I could probably find you a fair amount of recent Friedman quotes as well, but I’ve got better things to do with my time. The onus is on the accuser to bring the proof. But you won’t see Alan back here for several reasons. First, he is a liar, so he has no concrete facts to back up his arguments. And second, I decided that I don’t want him hanging around and adding more anti-Israel bile to my site, so his comment is now unapproved and soon to be deleted. My No Israel-Bashing Zone rule is still in effect.

Now, as to the last part of his comment:

Do you really want to stay on board with moonbats like Pamela Geller and Leon “anti-Semite!” Wieseltier?

You know, I don’t agree with much of what Pamela writes on her blog. In fact, I’d have to say that I disagree with nearly all of it. But she’s not wrong on Israel. Leon Weiseltier? I’ve had my disagreements with him as well. But he’s not wrong on Israel. There are many, many pro-Israel bloggers with whom I disagree about nearly everything. But they’re not wrong about Israel.

You know who is wrong on Israel? Assholes like Alan, whose hatred of Jews simply drips venom into every word and lie he writes. Desert Israel, because people whose opinions I don’t like are Zionists? What a stupid question. Am I a Jew? Is this not in the Torah?

If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither, let my tongue cleave to my palate if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy.

A “rat-infested sinking ship”? No, the most moral army in the world.

Mr. President, based on my knowledge and experience, I can say this: During Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli Defence Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.

The rat, here, would be “Alan Fox.” And I’m quite content for him to slip away and bring his plague-infested fleas somewhere else. I think Stormfront is holding the door open for him.

At this time, I would like to call out a chorus of the mantra: Anti-Semites of the world, just die already.

The sooner the better.

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5 Responses to The textbook anti-Israel comment

  1. Karmafish says:

    What’s beginning to happen is the precise opposite of what Alan writes, more and more people (particularly liberal Jews) are awakening to the demonization of the Jewish state and taking extreme exception to that demonization. What’s particularly galling, of course, is that this hatred for Israel, this desire to eliminate Jewish self-determination and self-defense, is being done under the banner of “human rights.”

    These people who despise Israel, these anti-Zionists and ideological Israel haters, do not care a whit for human rights because if they did they might just care about what is going on in Congo, and Darfur, and Chechnya, and Tibet, but for the most part they do not.

    They claim to be humanists, even as they spread hatred.

    I find it utterly revolting.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Perhaps Israel shold withdraw from Judea and Samaria (but not Jerusalem, never from Jerusalem). If so it should be under this, publically anounced, proviso. If there are any attacks on Israel from either Gaza or from the “West Bank” Zahal will go in and expel evrybody from the region from which the attacks came. If they cannot live at peace with Jewish neighbors they must find neighbors with whom they can live at peace.

    If Israel’s enemies once get the upper hand ethnic cleansing is the best Israel’s Jews can expect. More likely they will face genocide. Some of the younger women might survive. Between polygamy and honor killings the Arabs have a shortage of nubile females, so they might let some live. But such women would not be allowed to raise their children as Jews, so Jews would disappear from the Middle East.

    For those who are upset about this suggestion, it is sauce for the gander, as I pointed out about the goals of Israel’s enemies (especially the Palestinian Arabs). It is no more than was done to the Germans of Poland after World War II for their complicity in being part of Nazi Germany’s genocidal war. The Arabs started a war intending the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews. They can hardly expect that the Jews will tamely wait for them to do the job.

    The alternative is to continue muddling through. There is no prospect of peace since Israel’s enemies do not wish it. Thus there is no point in “peace processes” that merely lead to more terrorism and war. Give it a rest for ten years, and maybe Israel’s enemies will resign themselves to letting Israel live in peace. Let them learn, finally, that if they stop attacking Israel they will have nothing to fear from Israel.

  3. Tatterdemalian says:

    “Perhaps Israel shold withdraw from Judea and Samaria (but not Jerusalem, never from Jerusalem). If so it should be under this, publically anounced, proviso. If there are any attacks on Israel from either Gaza or from the “West Bank” Zahal will go in and expel evrybody from the region from which the attacks came. If they cannot live at peace with Jewish neighbors they must find neighbors with whom they can live at peace.”

    There is no way to ensure that the expelled people don’t simply sneak back in, unless there are Israeli settlements present to provide continuous intel. Just like the Gaza Strip, if the IDF drags the settlers out of the West Bank against their will, it won’t ever be re-settled, and will simply have to be invaded over and over for temporary respites from continuous artillery and rocket bombardment.

    And the world will continue to pretend the rockets and bombs are meaningless, or worse, proof that Israel deserves to be destroyed. The world is too lazy to defend itself, let alone defend an embarrassingly successful nation like Israel.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Where did I say that Judea and Samaria would not be resettled? They would be. There are still Jews in places where they are in danger (the number seems to grow larger each year) and such people may soon have to make aliyah. Any settlers forced out of Judea and Samaria, for reasons of grave national interest, ought to be fully compensated for their property lost in the process and the inconveniences endured in it. If it worked and the attacks on Israel ceased (snowball fights break out in Hell) Israel’s national interests and the interests of the Jewish nation as a whole would be served.

    It is much more likely, as you say, that the Palis will use a newly Judenrein West Bank to attack Israel. But they were warned against that and would reap the results. To avoid them, all the Arabs would have to do is not attack Israel and the Jews.

    I don’t think such a strategy will happen. I do think that Israel and the US ought to give the “peace process” a rest until the Arabs prove that they are able and willing to make peace. Until then there is no purpose in blathering with terrorists about a peace they will refuse to accept.

  5. Yankev says:

    > Is this not in the Torah?

    If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither, let my tongue cleave to my palate if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy.<
    I guess it depends on how you define Torah. Actually it's in Tehillim (Ps. 137), but apart from that, I agree with every word you wrote. You go, Meryl.

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