Anti-Semitism now caused by Canadians supporting Israel

Okay, to review: Anti-Semitism is caused by Israel’s actions. Anti-Semitism is caused by Jews behaving badly. Anti-Semitism is caused by Jews refusing to convert to other religions or acknowledge the supercession of said religions. And now, apparently, anti-Semitism is caused by politicians supporting Israel.

The Harper government risks sparking a backlash against Israel and Canada’s Jewish community by taking a hard-line, with-us-or-against-us stand with groups that are critical of Israel, opposition MPs say.

Actually, it’s one MP, Anita Neville.

She told Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, who is responsible for multiculturalism policies, that some of the tough words of government spokesmen could spark an “anti-Semitic response.”

Got that? A strong support of Israel will cause Canadians to attack Jews. So it isn’t, say, the fault of the Jew-haters. It’s because the Tories are supporting Israel.

It sounds to me like a classic case of projection by Neville.

Ms. Neville, however, told reporters that she worries that people who believe Kairos does good work are questioning whether the Jewish community, or a pro-Israel government, is responsible for cutting off funding to an aid organization they believe in.

Kairos was not defunded. It was denied a grant for various reasons, one of which was supporting viciously anti-Israel groups. But now it’s going to be a hobby horse for the politicians like Neville, whose support for Israel I have to question. How solid is support when you can blame a rise in anti-Semitism on support of Israel? What bullshit. What utter, utter bullshit.

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4 Responses to Anti-Semitism now caused by Canadians supporting Israel

  1. cliff was from montreal says:

    Ms Nevile is nothing but a liberal party hack doing what liberals in Canada do best.Trying to scare uninformed Canadians into voting for them! Her Wik site says she is a ” prominent supporter of Israel within the Liberal Party caucus ” Geez, with friends like that….Truth is that Nevile is pandering for the arab vote especially the anti Semitic Arabs.They either support the libs or the far left NDP. Finally we have an elected government, led by Harper with actual principals and morals.A government that as a Canadian Jew,I’m proud to have Mr.Harper on our side. I left the libs 2 election cycles ago.Seems like granting visas to the terrorists like the kadar family in order to ‘buy’ immigrant votes turned me off.Like most ex- Democrats now voting Repubs |I vow never again to vote for the party my parents campaigned for.The libs in Canada have degenerated to nothing but corrupt inept politicians who legally fleece us every chance they get.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Next thing you know such people will be peddling blood libels. Why not, their Arab pals do so routinely.

  3. Gary Rosen says:

    Neville is right. Harper has sparked an antisemitic backlash from her.

  4. chairwoman says:

    May i refer you to the comment I made yesterday.

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