The great Gracie rescue

A few minutes ago, I heard Gracie calling me. She does that quite a lot. She is under the impression that she can stand upstairs and yowl, and I will come running upstairs to pet her. As this almost never happens, I’m not quite sure where she got the idea, but she still tries. So I called to her to come downstairs. She meowed again, and then I heard the sound of running kitty feet. But it wasn’t Gracie. It was Tig. He ran up to the guest room door, which I had closed just a few minutes ago, and started meowing. The thing about Tig that amazes me is he’s the first male cat I’ve had that has more than a couple of different meows. Gracie has dozens of different sounds, from chirrups and burbles to what I call the “imperious mew” and various yowls and whines. Tig 2 had a mrowr, a yowl, and a chirrup. Maybe one more sound. Tig 3.0 has the sounds he makes when running across the room because he wants to play, the sounds he makes running downstairs in a good mood because he wants to play (his “happy noises”), chirrups, yowls (including a horrible one that he uses when he wants to get through a door, a sound I’ve only previously heard in cats that were terribly hurt or dying), various meows, and, well—he makes a lot of sounds.

So Tig ran up to the guest room door and started giving off a brand-new yowl that I never heard before. And then he proceeded to roll on his back and roll back and forth until it dawned on me that he was trying to put his paw underneath the door. Understanding dawned, I opened the door, and there was Gracie. Stuck in the guest room. Oops.

Tig sure loves his Aunty Gracie. (I do, too.) And here they are, together in a rare twofer picture. And to think, Gracie used to walk past my closed office door when Tig was a baby, and hiss at him under the door.

Tig and Gracie

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2 Responses to The great Gracie rescue

  1. Pamela says:

    Ah at least she wasn’t stuck behind the stereo speakers. My Shadow cat likes to get stuck in strange places

  2. Rahel says:

    Kol ha-kavod to Tig! And skritches to both kitties.

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