Extreme makeover – terrorist edition

In the past I’ve noted that Washington Post correspondent, Edward Cody is good at conveying sympathy for terrorist devils. He’s at it again with Carlos the Jackal, imprisoned for life, looks in lawsuit to protect his image (via memeorandum)

But apparently determined to control his image even from his Paris prison cell, he has brought suit against a French production company shooting a documentary film on his life and legend, demanding a say on the final cut.

Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, the lawyer representing Ramírez, said that Ramírez is demanding that the Film in Stock production company hand over a master copy of the documentary as soon as it is finished and grant him three months to review the content and impose changes. Anything else, she said in an interview Monday, would violate his intellectual property rights to his name and “biographical image.”

Coutant-Peyre, who is Ramírez’s wife as well as his attorney, said the documentary, being shot for France’s Canal Plus television network, would likely be a propaganda film unless she and her husband were granted a right to oversee its accuracy. She charged that statements by the producers indicate they plan to portray Ramírez as the instigator of terrorist attacks for which he has not been convicted, violating his right to presumption of innocence.

Despite the headline Cody actually reports this straight, not romanticizing Carlos in any way.

If I remember the first Bourne novel, correctly, Ludlum had Carlos in an incestuous relationship with his sister. Presumably that’s worse than being accused of terrorist activities that he was never convicted of. I wonder why that didn’t bother him. Is it because he wasn’t yet married to his lawyer?

Fausta wonders if this will have any implications for terrorists being held in America.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to Extreme makeover – terrorist edition

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    If I remember the first Bourne novel, correctly, Ludlum had Carlos in an incestuous relationship with his sister. Presumably that’s worse than being accused of terrorist activities that he was never convicted of. I wonder why that didn’t bother him. Is it because he wasn’t yet married to his lawyer?

    I think that it is probably because he knows that the terrorist activities are probable and he does not want people reminded of what he did. If he can pull that off, the next thing is to work to get paroled.

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