Monday morning snarks

It’s the Chicago Way: Obama’s now trying to bribe the middle class. Hell, it worked to get him 60 votes for the Obamacare crap sandwich, why wouldn’t he think it will work on us? (P.S. to Obama: Who’s going to pay for all these tax breaks to the middle class? Oh, yeah—the middle class!).

No coup for you: A Belgian minister was refused entry to Gaza. Deputy FM Danny Ayalon is refusing to allow Hamas any propaganda coups. The Belgian minister is, of course, upset. Talk to the hand, Charles.

Would you buy a used camel from this man? Osama bin Laden says the Christmas bomber was his guy. Um, well, first, we kinda knew he was from al Qaeda after he, like, told us he was from al Qaeda. Secondly, dude, shouldn’t you be claiming successful attacks? Because this just makes you look pathetic. And last, well, we kinda think you’re lying, because last year you tried to claim the Fourth of July fireworks across America until you found out that nobody gets blown up in them.

The real far right: Okay, I may not like Rahm Emanuel so much anymore, but these guys are over the top. They’re calling him a Hellenist? Because, hello, we’re still fighting the Greeks or something? Back away slowly if any of these people approach you. They’re a little scary. (Frankly, I don’t think Rahm is whispering anti-Israel nothings into Obama’s ear. I think Obama was anti-Israel before he met Rahm.)

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4 Responses to Monday morning snarks

  1. Eric J says:

    Does anyone other than the Osama Bin Laden voice analysis expert at the CIA and his mom still believe that these recordings are OBL? Shouldn’t someone have gotten a Flip camera into the cave by now?

  2. The CIA keeps verifying the Osama tapes as real. Either they’ve got an awesome audio splicer, or he’s not dead yet.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    The whole point of calling him a “hellenist” is because it is a term that is known and understood among the Jews. He could be called some other term that means someone who is attempting to destroy Judaism from within, but it would not be as well understood. There have been many groups that attempted to do what people like J Street or “Milchama Achshav” (sic) are trying now, but “Hellenist” does fit the analogy.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Personally, one of the things that might convince me that Usama is pushing up the scorpions somewhere in the Hindu Kush is that the CIA firmly believes that he is still alive. There is an old joke, going back to the days of the OSS actually, that the CIA is a cover story for a real intelligence agency (the Bureau of Weights and Measures Field Operations Division perhaps). If only.

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