Thought for the day

The capacity for a cat to make you feel guilty for locking him in the bathroom all night is cancelled by the amount of poop you have to clean up in said bathroom.

Refuah shlemas for Tig would be in order today. (He’s so not getting out of that bathroom until at least tomorrow. I’m up to NorVA in a few.)

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8 Responses to Thought for the day

  1. Rahel says:

    Refua shlema! What happened to Tig?

  2. Lady-Light says:

    (See, I told you you sometimes write about your CAT!)Refuah Shelemah, Tig.

  3. Pamela says:

    He can’t be let out to roam…

  4. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    I flunked Hebrew-school Hebrew.
    What does Refuah Shelemah mean please?

  5. John M. says:

    Can’t we get a pet sitter?

  6. Rahel, I don’t want to go into all the disgusting details. Suffice to say that Tig’s new nickname is the Poopinator. He’s getting better, but he’s been locked in the downstairs bathroom since yesterday evening, and will stay there until I’m sure he won’t be making messes on my carpeting.

  7. JimK says:

    You know, Meryl, I’ve been having a similar problem with my big tom, Fats. He know’s it’s wrong, but nothing I’ve tried seems to work. He’s already spent a couple days in the back bathroom, which is where his food and litterbox lives. Grrr!$$*&@3

  8. Jim, it’s not because Tig is doing anything deliberate. He’s had some serious intestinal issues. The good news is I have not had to clean poop since last night. He’s currently yowling away in the bathroom, and I’m hoping he continues to use the litterbox and not have any more accidents. Because then I can free him from his imprisonment.

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