Lazy day/Christmas open thread

If you’re Jewish and not working for your Christian coworkers today, here’s an open thread for you.

If you’re Christian and home for the holiday, or sneaking on your relative’s computer for your blogging fix, here’s an open thread for you.

I started a serious post. I got bored. I’m going to have a late, late breakfast (slept until 9:30, woo-hoo!) and then hit the shower, and should be seeing a movie later today.

On to synagogue tonight and tomorrow morning. It’s tough to get a minyan in Virginia during this time of year. Virginians go out of state this week for some reason. Jewish Virginians, too. As a former New Jerseyan, I’m a bit mystified. Probably because even though the kids are off, the parents generally are working during winter break there. Hey, my mother always worked for Eastern Airlines on Christmas day. She got doubletime and used it to take off for Passover. Wish I had that choice… I’d have worked today.

Oh, who am I kidding? I’d want the three-day weekend.

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2 Responses to Lazy day/Christmas open thread

  1. sabbahillel says:

    I would work today and take off next Thursday for a four day weekend if that was available. In any case, Pesach will be difficult because it is Tuesday Wednesday for the first days, meaning Monday will be difficult in order to leave early and get ready. The last daysare Monday – Tuesday.

    Shavuos is Wednesday/Thursday.

    Rosh Hashanna and Succot are 6 days of Thursday – Friday, requiring Eruv Chatzeiros and really getting ready early on Wednesday. That will be hard to make up.

  2. Elisson says:

    In the Spring, when we are all worn out from walking around the neighborhood singing Shavuos carols, we like to relax with a nice cold glass of schav. Who needs mincemeat? We’ve got Blintzmeat!

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