The new, transparent Congress votes on bills in the dead of night

The new, transparent Congress, the most ethical Congress ever according to Nancy Pelosi, voted on the cloture bill to the health care amendment while America slept.

My healthcare costs will double if this abomination goes through, and millions of uninsured Americans will remain uninsured ten years after the bill is passed. So what, exactly, is its purpose? Oh, right. To give Congress control over one-sixth of the American economy.

Throw the bums out in 2010.

I wonder if we can recall Warner here in VA.

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5 Responses to The new, transparent Congress votes on bills in the dead of night

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Send him an email asking why he decided to resign from the Senate. Also, if he is religious, remind him that there is still time to atone for his sins and that part of atonement is asking for forgiveness from everyone he has offended. Also remind him that he is required to repay every dollar that he has stolen, and that every dollar of tax collected for the monstrosity will be considered theft.

  2. I repeat: Todd Beamer didn’t do the country any favors by crashing the plane BEFORE the terrorists smacked it into Congress.

    Just. Plain. Disgusted.


  3. Tang says:

    That’s called working overtime. No big deal. As for what’s the purpose, at this point the purpose of the progressive Democrats is to pass any kind of “health care reform”, no matter how bad it is, so that they can say they have met their promise to deliver “health care reform”. The mainstream Democrats’ purpose is to protect the profits of the big insurance companies and shovel as much taxpayer money to the insurance companies as possible. The Republicans’ purpose is to prevent any bill from passing, whether good or bad, so that Democrats cannot take credit for doing anything, and to avoid making the bill better so that anything that might pass will look as bad as possible for the Democrats. There are a lot of bums to throw out.

  4. Pamela says:

    May any of those who voted for this travesty and any of the other really bright ideas about taking care of us (because we don’t know how), experience the suffering of the American people 10 times over.

    Starting now.

  5. long_rifle says:

    It’s not overtime. They did it so they could get an unread amendment through as quickly and quietly as possible. The “profits” of the big insurance companies are only around the 5% level. Hardly scalping the consumers. The Dems don’t give a dam about protecting anything other than their JOBS. Once this passes, the Conservatives are going to run in 2010 under the banner of repealing this mess, and the Dems are going to get all the zero liability voters out by saying the same thing, “Vote for us, or the conservatives are going to take your new insurance away.”

    It’s going to be an interesting election…

    This bill quite Plainly is designed NOT to protect insurance, but to ensure that it is taken away. There are parts of the bill that activate given certain conditions. Which will destroy private insurance.

    All future elections will be decided not by honest politicians, or those that wish to follow Constitutional law, but by those that do NOT contribute to the country, and only suckle at the teat of the Federal government. There are enough poor, lazy, evil, and just plain stupid people out there to keep whomever promises the most of some one else’s money to them in power forever. The “rich” create jobs, and those jobs create wealth. Taxing them into the poor house does neither. But who cares about law, freedom, or fairness when I can sit home, get free health care, “free money”, and the only people that have to pay are the EVIL people that think hard work should be rewarded.

    Honestly there’s not a dang thing wee can do about it now. Idiots breed faster then productive members of society. After all, who cares about planning a family when I can drop a sucker, and the Feds will pay for it! I’m glad my grandparents didn’t live to see this perversion of America.

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