Snow snarks

What kind of subhuman steals the Auschwitz sign? Really, you have to wonder if these people are just your run-of-the-mill Jew-haters or they’re so stupid they think they can sell the sign on the black market to a Nazi memorabilia collector. Because it’s not like that sign is going to be able to be kept secret. I’m inclined to believe it’s the Jew-haters, and it’s now decorating a neo-Nazi gathering place. Although, we can’t rule out Marc Garlasco. Someone check to see where he was the night the sign was stolen.

Nothing Israel ever does will satisfy the world: The UN criticizes Netanyahu’s settlement freeze. Of course it does. Because let’s face it, the only thing that will satisfy Israel’s critics is Israel’s end. Well, you’re just gonna have to talk to God about that, because I’m thinking it’s all wishful thinking on the Israel Jew-haters of the world. And here’s the quote that just makes my heart all warm and fuzzy inside:

“I am hopeful, if he is released, we will be able to immediately resume these projects. Israel is publicly on record that as long as Shalit is not released, they are not willing to allow significant amounts of construction materials in,” Serry said. “Let me add here that this linkage is not accepted by the UN.”

Two words, UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Robert Serry: F–k and You.

Christmas wishes from Palestinians in Bethlehem: Palestinians are hurling Christmas presents at Israelis passing by “their” town. How sweet. Stones. At buses and passenger cars. Now that’s getting into the Christmas spirit! Betcha won’t find this news in the world media’s annual Israel is killing Bethlehem stories. Say, you know those people who all talk about how Bethlehem is a Christian city because Jesus was born there? Um, when he was born, wasn’t it an all-Jewish city? And now there are no Jews in Bethlehem? Funny how history only works one way in the Holy Land, and it ain’t the Jewish version, hm?

Hello. My name is Sa’ad Hariri. You killed my father; prepare to ally: Think about this. Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri is in Damascus, talking to the man who ordered the murder of his father, about closer ties between Lebanon and Syria. I’d have to say that Hizbullah has totally won the civil war. And that Hariri’s testicles are in a jar in Hassan Nasrallah’s house.

So much for thawing Turkey: Gul Dukat, er, Turkish President Abdullah Gul, says he’ll visit Israel only after Israel “improves the humanitarian situation in Gaza.” Well, that’s not gonna happen, because there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. There is only Palestinian propaganda, fed by the UN, saying that Gazans are starving. Funny, they all look pretty well-fed to me.

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3 Responses to Snow snarks

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    As Gul is undoubtedly aware, Gaza has a border with Egypt about which Israel can do nothing. Your loyal readers expect you to be fair, Meryl, and let us know when he calls on the Egyptians to let construction materials across that border. As to when that will happen…let’s see…today is the twentieth of December so I expect he’ll do nit no later than the tenth of Never.

    As to Bethlehem, here’s a fun fact: At one time the population was nearly eighty percent Christian and now it’s less than twenty percent. Who’s responsible? Well, Palestinian Christians generally aren’t particularly afraid of the IDF. But who is really at fault for this?

    Here’s a hint: The answer rhymes with “you know whose.”

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Any humanitarian crisis in Gaza is due to Hamas. When other Muslims start to denounce hamas for its tyranny over the Pali Arabs in Gaza, and call for Hamas’ suppression on that account, then maybe I’ll pay some attention to what they say about it.

  3. Zimriel says:

    “Gul Dukat” – lulz.

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