The Grinch, metal style

I heard this yesterday in the car. It’s an awesome version of “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” by Gary Hoey, who plays a mean guitar. Here’s one live version:

And here’s another in a radio studio.

Listen at least until the chorus. He does the Dahu Dores song, too.

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7 Responses to The Grinch, metal style

  1. Karmafish says:


    What happened to Barry Rubin’s blog, RubinReports?

    He seems to have closed up shop.

  2. Dunno. I’ll go find out.

  3. Karmafish says:

    Well, he wasn’t getting much in the way of comments so perhaps he decided that since he’s got other venues he did not need RubinReports.

    Anyway, if you hear anything, Meryl, please let us know.


    The Land of the Karmafishes

  4. Google said he was posting malware or something stupid like that. Perhaps a spammer got into his comments section. He’s protesting it, and we’ll see what happens. They should restore it. This is not an infrequent occurrence on Blogspot.

  5. Karmafish says:

    Ahh, got it.

    I can’t even imagine the kinds of crap you guys take from “anti-Zionists.”

    But thanks for the response.

    The Land of the Karmafishes

  6. Jay Tea says:

    Mrs. Gary Hoey used to be a regular customer at my former location of employment, and I met Mr. Hoey on a few occasions. He gave me one of his personal guitar picks… which I lost in my last move. They’re really nice folks, and have quite a few kids.

    Thanks for the tip, Meryl. Nice to see he’s still going strong. I’d lost track…


  7. Pamela says:

    He’s a right fine musician

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