Your Tuesday morning snark

Because it’s not like the UN hasn’t passed any anti-Israel resolutions, ever: Mahmoud Abbas thinks it’s time for another anti-Israel resolution. Why? Because the man who refuses to sit down and negotiate with Israel until all of the Palesitnian conditions are met says it’s all Israel’s fault that the peace negotiations have stalled. Specifically, “settlements, arrests, and Israeli attacks.” Excuse me? Israeli attacks? The ones that occur in a vacuum, not the ones responding to thousands of Palestinian terror and rocket attacks (thus leading to the arrests)? Seriously? Hey, let’s all send a big, rude, hand gesture his way. Thanks for joining in.

More state anti-Semitism in Venezuela: Watch for more attacks on Jews. Chavez is now saying that Israel is aiming to “terminate” the Palestinians. Well, they’re doing a really crappy job. The Palestinian population keeps increasing. But the world keeps trying to eliminate the Jewish people. And it’s shits like Chavez that help make that happen. The mantra is in order here: Anti-Semites of the world, just die already. That means you, Hugo Chavez.

Thousands of Palestinians for one Israeli: The formula is nearly set. Gilad Shalit will be freed soon, and so will hundreds of Palestinian murderers and conspirators. Netanyahu will be releasing hundreds of prisoners without blood on their hands so as not to make Mahmoud Abbas seem like the weak, incompetent leader he really is.

International Screw Israel Day festivities are complete: The annual UN “Damn, we’re sorry we made Israel a state” festival has come to a close. Ban Ki-moon’s speech is about what you’d expect from the UN: Congratulates the Palestinians for fulfilling their obligations under the roadmap, and insisting that Israel has not (if you nodded your head wisely and said, “Ah, settlements!” here, give yourself 200 points). Let us not forget that the Palestinian refugees are the only refugees in the history of mankind who have been given permanent, inherited refugee status. The millionaire Palestinian businessman who is the grandson of a refugee from 1948 is a refugee according to UNRWA—and so are all of his children. But then, if UNRWA ran out of refugees, what on earth would its employees do?

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4 Responses to Your Tuesday morning snark

  1. cliff was from montreal says:

    You asked”if UNRWA ran out of refugees, what on earth would its employees do?”
    They would have to invent another false cause in order to demonize the Jews.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    They would close the brothels that they ran and live on the interest from the bribes that the “pseudostinians” (sic) have been giving them.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Hundreds of Palestinians for one Jew? Meryl, you must be mistaken. That would be disproportionate and we know how the world roundly condemns disproportionality in the Middle East.

  4. Tatterdemalian says:

    “That would be disproportionate and we know how the world roundly condemns disproportionality in the Middle East.”

    All together now: ONLY WHEN ISRAELIS DO IT

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