Black Friday Snark News Briefs

And Nero fiddled while Rome burned: This is just funny. The Dorktator’s senior advisor (what the hell is a “senior advisor” anyway? Is that like “the guy I inherited from Dad that I can’t fire because he has too many friends who could kill me”?), er, senior advisor says that the Arabs should stop fussing over soccer and concentrate on the oppression of the Palesitinians instead. Translation: Don’t let the cause of the Palestinians hit the back burner, or you’ll find that people will notice you’re all dictatorial, thuggish regimes that steal their money and keep them living in misery and poverty. The fussing over soccer, by the way, would be the riots that Egyptians are currently having in retaliation for supposed ill-treatment of Egyptians after an Egypt-Algeria World Cup match. Say. What happened to that vaunted pan-Arab nationalism? What? They really hate each other after all? Who knew?

The real threats to peace: A terror attack from Egypt was thwarted a few days ago. Five mortars fired from Gaza hit the Negev region. Two Israelis were stabbed in the West Bank. Chavez calls Israel a “murderous agent” of the U.S. Iran refuses to cooperate with the IEAE at all. And what’s the biggest obstacle to peace in the world today? Israel’s refusal to freeze all building in Jerusalem.

How long before Pat Buchanan calls this one mistaken identity?
A former Nazi SS murderer tells the court that he’s proud of his service in the Waffen SS. Five bucks says that the Buchanan-Duke axis still manage to find a way to excuse sentencing the 88-year-old murderer.

State dinner gate-crashers are crashing bores: Or maybe it’s just this article. It’s about some of the lawsuits against them. Ooh, they overcharged people who held their wedding at their venue. Yawn. It carries a do-not-read recommendation. See, I read this crap, so you don’t have to.

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3 Responses to Black Friday Snark News Briefs

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    “Don’t let the cause of the Palestinians hit the back burner, or you’ll find that people will notice you’re all dictatorial, thuggish regimes that steal their money and keep them living in misery and poverty.”

    That is the single biggest reason this conflict has persisted for so long.

  2. Alex Marshall says:

    Regarding the soccer violence, a popular Egyptian singer said of the Algerians, “Even the Jews wouldn’t beat us as savagely as this!” Honestly, they can’t talk about anything without taking a shot at ‘the Jews’ . . .

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Last time around Buchanan based his stout defense of the accused on the argument that he wasn’t that sadistic, brutal concentration camp guard, he was an altogether different sadistic, brutal concentration camp guard. I’m curious to see what he comes up with this time around.

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