Pre-Thanksgiving open thread

So not in the mood to write the usual stuff here.

So, tell me what you’re thankful for, or tell me an elephant joke (or some other joke) in the comments.

It’s the start of a glorious four-day weekend, and tomorrow, I am joining Sarah’s family for the feast. The chocolate course has been aquired (went to For the Love of Chocolate yesterday), the fresh kosher turkey is in Sarah’s fridge (big, BIG yay! to Trader Joe’s for the supply of fresh kosher turkeys), and tomorrow is eagerly anticipated.

Thanksgiving is just the best holiday. It’s a non-denominational holiday. If you’re an atheist, you can still give thanks. If you’re a Marxist anti-American who blames the early Americans for the destruction of the American Indian population, you can still give thanks. If you’re not an American, you can still give thanks.

I am thankful for my friends, first and foremost. Then my health. And my job. And my (still new to me) condo. And, as I am a person of faith, I do thank God for my good fortune. He definitely helped. But I did most of the work myself.

Your turn.

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6 Responses to Pre-Thanksgiving open thread

  1. Elisson says:

    I’m thankful for my family and friends (our “chosen family”).

    I’m thankful for my health… and the health of the people I love.

    I’m thankful for the ability call myself an American citizen.

    I’m thankful for the technology that allows me to meet (both online and face-to-face) people like Meryl Yourish, despite our living hundreds of miles apart.

    And I pose the question: What’s grey and white on the inside, and red and white on the outside? Why, Campbell’s Cream of Elephant Soup, of course. (Makes a dandy green bean casserole, too.)

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    I thank G-d for our family, children and grandchildren. I thank him for sending me the latest birthday gift by having my newest grand-daughter born on my (English) birthday.

    For those who think that Mashiach is due 200 years before the end of the sixth “day”, only thirty years more to go (assuming we have not miscounted).

    An interesting item is that apparently many “Anglos” in Israel (Olim from the U.S.) continue to celebrate Thanksgiving.

    We should realize that every day is Thanksgiving and we should be thankful for living in the “Goldeneh Medinah” the only country in the world that has welcomed us and let us live in freedom. Even the “Golden Age” of Spain was just tolerant and not as free as we are now.

  3. Pamela says:

    I’m just thankful for life.

    (and I don’t have to eat that hideous green bean casserole my sister makes)

  4. Gerry says:

    A 3-legged dog walks into a saloon in Dodge and says, “I’m looking for the varmint that shot my Paw”.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. chairwoman says:

    I’m thankful that things are no worse Chez Moi than they were last year, and that we have a cat about the house again,.

  6. I am thankful every day, Sabba Hillel. I just don’t post about it.

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