French FM is shocked, shocked that Israeli left is no longer gullible

As always, instead of blaming the arms-smuggling, terror-attacking, missile-launching Palestinians for the lack of peace in Israel, the French foreign minister is putting the blame squarely on—the Israelis. And what bothers him the most? The Israeli left finally wised up and refuses to be fooled by the murderers masquerading as peacemakers, and is demanding, gee, real actions from the Palestinians instead of the same old words and terror.

Speaking on France Inter radio, Kouchner made clear he was not expecting any swift break through in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

“What really hurts me, and this shocks us, is that before there used to be a great peace movement in Israel. There was a left that made itself heard and a real desire for peace,” Kouchner said.

“It seems to me, and I hope that I am completely wrong, that this desire has completely vanished, as though people no longer believe in it,” he added.

Huh. You’d almost think that Israel withdrew from Gaza and was then subjected to a constant barrage of rockets and mortars into her territory. Or that Hamas would have taken over in a bloody coup from Fatah and started turning Gaza into an Islamic terror state. Or that Mahmoud Abbas would refuse to negotiate seriously, calls for the end of the “Judaization” of Jerusalem, and refuses to compromise one whit on Palestinian demands. Or that the security fence actually helped stop terror attacks on Israel.

Say, Bernard? Fu vous.

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5 Responses to French FM is shocked, shocked that Israeli left is no longer gullible

  1. Steven says:

    Security fence, not separation barrier. Why use their false lingo?

  2. Boy, was I tired when I wrote that last night. Fixed.

  3. Karmafish says:

    I harp on this anywhere I can and this place is better than most to do so.

    The western left simply cannot figure out what the hell happened to the Israeli left.


    Thousands upon thousands of Qassams and Katyushas will tend to move people rightward, politically. Isn’t that obvious? Also, of course, how stupid do they think Israelis are? I mean, the international left loathes Israel. They have nothing but contempt for the Jewish state and yet seem surprised when the Israelis, themselves, vote for right-leaning political parties.

    Do they honestly think that Israelis will vote in favor of a political movement that despises them?


  4. Gary Rosen says:

    “Fu vous”

    And mangez de la merde while you’re at it, Bernie.

  5. AnomalousFnord says:

    Karmafish: On the subject of Israel, the Western “left” is indistinguishable from the neo-nazi right. They run on the same themes: turning facts and history upside down, insisting the U.S.S. Liberty bombing was intentional, unexplainable hatred of AIPAC, the Khazar slur and other insinuations that Jews are not Jews, mistaking the old Jewish National Home of Palestine for an Arab state, describing the Palestinians as if they were a people instead of a terrorist organization, and an attitude that every Jew is a suspect until proven to repeat the “left”‘s anti-Israel slogans and never argue against any of them. Nowadays, anti-semitism dominates all discussion of Israel. Do you disagree? I bet you’re a Jew….

    I blame it partly on the red-brown convergence around the time of the 2003 Iraq war when the opposition to the war was led by the extreme left and extreme right with elements of both sides blaming the war on the Jews, and their rhetoric merged. A large share of blame must also be cast on the corporate media which has spent great efforts repeating Palestinian propaganda in order to tell both sides of the story, the side that may be true and the side that is known to be false. Any regular readers of the news who started within the past decade have received a large helping of terrorist propaganda uncut by actual facts or context in the collection of articles on the Arab-Israeli conflict. That will surely have an influence.

    I am from the pro-peace left of the 1990s when we made this proposition: we admit that the Palestinians are a vile terrorist organization, the worst known to the world, but peace negotiations should be tried to see if giving the Palestinians autonomy over a few Arab cities would lead to their pacification. If the Palestinians continue agitating for war, then give them one and outlaw the Palestinian movement again, and Israel can keep the land. After all, it is indisputably Israeli land as per the treaty with Jordan and it was part of the Jewish land of Palestine before the 1948 war. Nobody could possibly be dumb enough to deny Israel’s claim to the land. Just like how nobody would ever put up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving.

    That leftist position, quite far to the left and towards the side of peace at any cost, seems to make me few friends on what calls itself the left today. I still support the same old position of peace if it is possible, with Israeli concessions if they would bring peace. I supported the withdrawal from Lebanon and Gaza and I still think they were worth trying. Peace with the Palestinians is not possible because the Palestinians do not want peace under any circumstances, and concessions at this point would only strengthen the Palestinian cause of war.

    Anybody who still wants Israel to offer concessions for nothing, above the multitude of concessions already given, does not want peace. They want the war against the Jews to succeed and they want the ethnic cleansing that started in 1948 to be completed. It is safe to say these people hate the Jews. They may not have started out that way, but that’s where they are now.

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