Jihad in Fort Hood

There’s been a mass murder in Fort Hood, Texas, and it’s looking a lot like jihad.

A U.S. Army major opened fire on fellow soldiers Thursday in the heart of the giant Fort Hood Army base in central Texas, killing 11 people and wounding at least 31 in one of the worst incidents of soldier-on-soldier violence in military history.

The officer, Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan, was later shot and killed by security personnel on the base, which is about 160 miles southwest of Dallas.

Two other soldiers were in custody, base officials said, amid indications that the attack may have been premeditated and well-organized.

Military officials said that Maj. Hasan was a psychiatrist who had been recently promoted to major and transferred to Fort Hood from Washington’s Walter Reed Medical Center. Maj. Hasan’s professional specialties included post-traumatic stress disorder, combat stress and other emotional issues common to the troops implicated in earlier incidents of military fratricide.

As usual, there’s a lot of dancing toward the “combat stress” reason, but it’s really looking a whole lot like jihad here. Gateway Pundit has more.

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5 Responses to Jihad in Fort Hood

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Combat stress? The guy had never been in combat.

    Apparently he was a convert to Islam. Possible case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome. It reminds me some of the guy in Kuwait who rolled a grenade into the tent of some 101st Airmobile Division officers just before the jumpoff in 2003. He was a staff sergeant who was a Muslim (convert I think) and he said his motives were jihadist.

  2. Lady-Light says:

    Just posted about this on my blog: here. Jihad? How about this: he’s a (typical) home-grown “Muslim” coward.

  3. Karmafish says:

    It’s all Israel’s fault!

    IMHO Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan “martyred” himself for the sake of Muslims and the Palestinian cause, also known as Islamic Jihad. From my diary – Fort Hood Shooting A Palestinian Issue? My educated guess: the FBI will find a jihad suicide note. My analysis of the Palestinian people, also from friends living in the States, when they are confronted with unjust policy toward their Palestinian homeland, they hurt. See the recent developments of Barack Obama and the failure to get Israel to freeze building illegal settlements. The recent Israeli violence on the Temple Mount of al-Quds added to the furor.



    Because any time a Palestinian anywhere in the world, and for any reason whatsoever, commits violence, it must be Israel’s fault.


  4. Alex Bensky says:

    The headline on the Detroit News website says that authorities are searching for a motive in the shooting.

    Gosh, a Muslim who shouts “Allahu Akbar!” before shooting a baker’s dozen of soldiers…damn, what could be his motive?

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Alex, I think his motive, at least according to the US investigative agencies involved, is one of those mysteries that Man was not meant to understand. I guess we’re supposed to accept it as the inscrutable will of the Lord, or something. So I’m going to leave it to Meryl to understand it for me.

    Crikey, has everybody in government in the US lost all ability to think rationally?

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