Calling all monster movie fans

I give up. I have no idea what monster the Lego in the fourth picture here is supposed to be. New monster movies are not a favorite genre of mine. I can handle the old 1950s ones, but I don’t like being scared or grossed out, and that’s what monster movies—when done well—are supposed to do.

Anyone know what monster this is supposed to be?

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5 Responses to Calling all monster movie fans

  1. Eric J says:

    It’s a “Burrower Beneath,” which seems to be from the Cthulu mythos – not a movie at all.

  2. Chris H. says:

    Actually, I thought it was the Sarlacc… from “Return of the Jedi.”

  3. I told Sarah it reminded me of some kind of Cthulhu beastie. I’m not surprised.

    Chris, I found a top-ten worst movie monster list while googling, and the sarlacc came in number one.

  4. Elisson says:

    You sure it’s not one of them thingies from Tremors?

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