Breaking the fast

Boy, between Sarah’s family and me, we have three separate bacterial tracks going. Jake has H1N1. Nate has strep. And I picked up whatever took out the rabbi on Friday and Saturday (he was recovered enough for Yom Kippur, thankfully).

I had one container of home-made chicken soup left in my freezer. If I still feel crummy tomorrow, it’s out to the store for supplies, and fresh chicken soup for dinner.

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8 Responses to Breaking the fast

  1. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    It must be goin’ around. I’m walking the Portland Marathon-my first 26.2- on Sunday and I’m on antibiotics for sinus problems.
    Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Get well soon. As the medicine man would say: take two herbs and stay in your teepee. Lots of Jewish penicillin is sure to do the trick. Add matzo balls for enhanced effect. Speaking of health, how is Tig after his snack of dried battery acid?

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    Alas, a joke did not come through. Try again.

    Open Pretentious Pedantry
    H1N1 is viral, not bacterial.

    I’m sure any self-respecting virus would be appalled to be mistaken for bacteria.

    Close Pretentious Pedantry

  4. Elisson says:

    Hmmm. Coming off a fast into the creeping crud. No fun.

    Refuah sheleimah, and alla dat.

  5. Mog says:

    That’s no way to break a fast, hope you get to feeling better soon.

  6. Rahel says:

    From tzom kal (an easy fast) to refua shlema (a complete recovery) — no fun! I hope you’ll be feeling better soon!

  7. Pamela says:

    green tea with lemongrass and place some crystallized ginger in with the tea while it steeps

    Hope you feel better soon and the Orange guy is sill okay

  8. Michael, I get called on that bacteria/virus thing all the time. I can’t keep them apart, and, well, they both suck when you get them, so there you have it.

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