Hamas flips Obama the bird

Jimmy Carter’s bestest Palestinian buds, the ones who told him that sure, they want peace with Israel, and sure, they’d honor agreements with Israel, are saying there’s no way they will honor any agreement between Israel and the Palestinians that might come out of the meeting with Obama this week.

In a sermon for the Eid el-Fitr holiday marking the end of Ramadan, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh told Gazans congregating in a stadium in Gaza City that “no one has the right to give up on Jerusalem or the [Palestinian] refugees. Not the PLO and no any other factor can sign an agreement hurting the Palestinian people’s principles and rights. Any agreement reached will not be respected by our people.”

So what, exactly, is the point of including Hamas in the talks? Oh, that’s right. Without Hamas, there can be no peace agreement. Except that with Hamas, there can be no peace agreement. Funny how the Carters of the world never seem to hear Hamas leaders say no.

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One Response to Hamas flips Obama the bird

  1. JDF says:

    Speaking of Jimmy Carter — does anybody have good information regarding the accuracy of the story that Carter made amd anti-Semitic remark when referring to the then Jewish Governor of Maryland (Mandel) who was seeking the leadeership of a body of US Governors at the time?

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