Demolishing the opposition

This is where Meryl was on Saturday night:

Demolition derby

I’ll bet you thought from the headline this was a political post. Nope. I was at the Amelia County Fair, which featured a Demolition Derby tonight. This is the picture of the end of the derby.

It was awesome.

I have had great times at county and state fairs before, but nothing like this. The Amelia County State Fair has just gone on our must-go list. Sarah and Larry and the kids and I had an absolute blast.

More pictures, and video, if I have time to post them tomorrow. Otherwise, I’ll find time during my downtime next week. (Vacation time for me. Can’t wait.)

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4 Responses to Demolishing the opposition

  1. Soccerdad says:

    Years ago I went to the Montgomery County (MD) fair, they also had a demolition derby. They’re fun.

  2. Sarah G. says:

    Leaving the parking lot afterward is tricky, you periodically get filled the urgent need to grind some metal.

  3. Yeah, I felt the same way… I wanted to bash my way out of my parking space. But I think Sarah’s really caught the bug. Let us know if anyone in the central VA area finds an old, beat-up muscle car for sale for like, $500. Manual transmission. Next year is rookie year.

  4. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    A few weeks back we went to see the demolition derby at the Will County Fair-Will is next to Crook-er Cook County. Once you get out of Chicago and its evil satellites-one of which I live in-Illinois is actually a is a lot of fun.
    I was at the Chicago 912 rally yesterday. There were only about 800 of us and were ignored by the press but boy did we make a lot of noise!

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