Sunday morning briefs

If you won’t meet with me, then I don’t want to meet with you! The Swedish foreign minister has canceled his trip to Israel after hearing that Benjamin Netanyahu was about to snub him. It’s good to know that the man entrusted with Sweden’s foreign relations is acting just like a teenage girl. The article says there may be consequences to Israel for this missed meeting. What, you mean like Sweden refusing to condeman an article falsely accusing the IDF of stealing Palestinian organs or something?

World’s tiniest violin orchestra: We’re supposed to feel sorry for someone who is defaulting on a $24 million loan? Excuse me? I don’t give a damn if Annie Liebovitz loses the copyrights to her photos. Anyone too stupid to figure out how to pay bills after reaching adulthood—that doesn’t have the excuse of mental incompetence—deserves whatever happens to them. And that goes double for millionaires.

Oh, look. Another Uzi Mahnaimi piece about Israel to ignore: The Times never gives up on letting this proven liar lie some more. Double bylines notwithstanding, we’re onto you. Now, am I saying that I think the Mossad didn’t have anything to do with hijacking the Russian ship? Nope. Just that anything you read in this piece is suspect, because all of Mahnaimi’s articles are.

Van goes under the bus: Obama’s 9/11 Truther green jobs czar has resigned, issuing a statement late on a Saturday night of a holiday weekend. No, Obama isn’t trying to skip the news cycle on that at all. Why do you ask?

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