Sunday Snark News Briefs

I’m shocked, shocked, that Gilad Shalit’s release is not imminent: Yeah, toldja so. I will believe that a deal is within reach when I see photos of Shalit being released to Egypt. Not before.

If only American prosecutors were this fair-minded: Olmert’s been indicted. I’d sure like to see some crooked American politicians get the same treatment (yeah, I’m talking about you, Richardson). Meantime, geez, Israel, can you get your politicians to stop stealing and bribing and doing all those illegal things? I mean, geez. At least we don’t have all that many presidents getting caught.

World’s tiniest violin orchestra, please: Security prisoners in Israel are getting canned food for Ramadan, instead of home-cooked meals. All together now: Awwww. Here’s a thought: Perhaps if you hadn’t taken part in terrorist attacks, you wouldn’t be suffering in jail during the holiday.

Gee, ya think? A commentary on CNN has a keen grasp of the obvious: Obama is losing the centrists. Hm. Take a far-left agenda, try to slam it through in spite of polls stating that Americans do not want nationalized health care, government takeover of the auto industry, or even a massive bank bailout, and what do you think is going to happen? Obama pretended to be a centrist during the election, thus hoodwinking millions of people who refused to look at his voting record. Now the mask is off, the emperor has no clothes, yadda yadda, etc., etc., and the result is Obama’s poll numbers dropping almost as fast as the stock market.

What if Chappaquiddick happened today? Duh. Kennedy’s political career would have died with Mary Jo Kopechne.

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7 Responses to Sunday Snark News Briefs

  1. sabbahillel says:

    Take a look at the Washington Times Opinion page B4 Hunter’s Big picture. It shows Kennedy going over all the trials, tribulations, and tragedies in his life. It shows Kennedy in a car with water filling up around him as he speaks.

    It ends:

    I won’t even be around to finish the “fight of my life”

    (next frame)

    They say it took you maybe 40 minutes to pass away. But it took me another 40 years of slow torture to live on

    (next frame)

    So now, befor I go anywhere else, I had to come back here and ask you face to face, one last time

    (next frame)

    Are we even now Mary Jo?

    Here response speech buble is obscured by falling water so we cannot see the answer.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    There are reports that Kennedy was a fancier of Chappaquiddick jokes. It could be that it was his way of dealing with the intense guilt and shame, or it could be that regarding the incident he was always most concerned with how it affected him. I have my guesses.

    As to the oppressed prisoners of Israel, Meryl, let me once again demonstrate my great, almost mystical, powers of prediction. If Shalit is still alive he will be exchanged for hundreds of Palestinians, all of whom will have been convicted in open court of terrorist activities…dozens and dozens will be swapped even for Shalit’s remains.

    And when that happens absolutely no one in the west, not the media and not the diplomats, will term this “disproportionate.”

  3. Jonathan says:

    Actually, there are reports that Israel will be releasing as many as 450 prisoners in exchange for Shalit. Maybe, once they are freed, they can sue Israel for forcing them to eat the canned food while incarcerated–I have the feeling they’d have a strong chance of winning if they went through the ICJ or one of the other supra-governmental “justice” systems.

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    Not noone in the weat, only those like the media, diplomats, U.N. sycophants, etc. who are willing to lie. Those who tell the truth would state that even one living terrorist is “disproportionate”

  5. Pamela says:

    I wonder how Mary Jo’s unborn child would have turned out…

    Who would you be today little one?

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    One thing certain Pamela, the kid would not have been welcome at Hyannis Port.

    I gather Israel army field rations are even worse than MREs (Meals Rejected by Ethiopians; so named because when they were introduced to US troops, Ethiopia was undergoing a famine). But they are Kosher, which is acceptable for Muslims to eat according to Muslim jurists (at least before they started worrying about “Jew cooties” as Meryl calls it). Feed them army field rations even outside of Ramadan, it’s more than they deserve.

    Of course the quality of the rations might be one of the reasons the IDF is as good as it is. In Goscinny and Uderzo’s comic book “Asterix the Legionairy” Asterix the Gaulish warrior comments that: “The better the army the worse the food. That’s what keeps the men in a nasty mood.” He then takes a taste of Roman army rations, makes a horrible face, pushes away the plate and says “I didn’t think the Roman army was THAT good.”

    Unhappily, I think Shalit is dead, and has been for years. And yes, the Israelis will trade lots of terrorists for his body to have firm evidence of death.

  7. sabbahillel says:


    You triggered this thought.

    Mark Twain wrote of people being treated according to their potential in heaven (Captain Stormfield’s trip to heaven) as part of their reward.

    “Senator Kennedy, this is Dr. Edward Kopechne. Had he lived, he would have discovered the cure for certain types of brain cancer when he was only 30 years old.”

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