Mary Robinson: Building settlements will lead to one-state solution

Mary Robinson, who has just been honored by the U.S. President (whom only four percent of Israelis think is pro-Israel) with America’s highest honor, is in Israel doing a little fear-mongering. She’s warning Israel that if settlement building isn’t frozen, the two-state solution is at risk.

“The balance is tipping and if it tips, there will not be a two-state solution and how would that make Israel safer?” asked Robinson, in an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem Post.

Oooh. Scary. And what, pray tell, would her logic be on this? Can we have a supporting statement? Some facts that might make us think that settlement building is going to force Israel to yield to a single, binational state?

“A one-state solution has huge implications. So for the sake of being able to have a two-state solution, we need a freeze on settlements,” she said.

Um. Well, perhaps the JPost interview just didn’t include her reasons behind those scary statements. Or perhaps that “balance” she was talking about was the world’s support for Israel. (Actually, that wouldn’t surprise me, but good luck to the world in getting Israel to legislate itself out of existence.)

I searched the article in vain for an actual reason why settlement building will lead to the dreaded one-state solution (which is, let’s be honest, the death of Israel). I am left with believing that the Medal of Freedom honoree is talking out of her ass. It’s a pretty safe assumption when you read quotes like this:

“We are a group that contains a number of those who would be, if you like, perceived to be quite balanced on the Israeli side,” said Robinson.

Hm. Robinson, Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu… yep, quite balanced on the Israeli side, if by “the Israeli side” you mean “people who warn about a one-state solution as the logical result of settlement building.”

I’m sorry, these people are supposed to be our “wise elders”? I stand by my label of “Senile old anti-Israel farts.”

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4 Responses to Mary Robinson: Building settlements will lead to one-state solution

  1. soccer dad says:

    Who is the “uplifting young person” that Mary Robinson is speaking to in this photo?

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Actually, the real “one state solution” would be the coming of the Mashiach, the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash (temple), the reinstitution of the Sanhedrin, and a king from the House of David.

    Hmmmm sounds like something positive …. let’s refuse to freeze the building of “settlements” and get this “one state solution”.

  3. Herschel says:

    Just remember this, “wise elders” is a name they probably gave themselves!
    How strange that they cannot find fault with any other countries REAL human rights abuses, but focus strictly on Israel protecting itself from militant Islam..

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    I would guess she means that continued settlement building will lead the Arabs to not make peace with Israel, but to continue the war and eventually win, thereby eliminating Israel and producing one state of “Palestine” (or South Syria if Syria takes the place over, or North Sinai if Egypt takes the place over, or…etc.). Considering that driving out or killing all the Jews has been the Arab goal for most of a century, and remains such today, I don’t see where building or not building some apartments in Jerusalem or even in Hebron and Gush Etzion is going to change their attitude in any way. It’s plain to anyone with a spark of intelligence that the Arabs’ negotiating, when they deign to do so, is mere treachery. This was made plain as a pikestaff at the recent convention the Pali Arabs held.

    Mary Robinson and her pals one-sidedly denounce Israel for its imaginary transgressions with tiresome regularity. The one-sidedness shows that they are advocates for Israel’s enemies, and are therefore advocates for the genocide or (at best) wholesale ethnic cleansing that is the goal of those enemies. If they understand that then they are morally evil. If they don’t they are too stupid or too ignorant to be qualified to have an opinion on the matter.

    Israel is the only free country in the region with the partial exception of the Turkish Republic, now visibly drifting toward an Islamist depostism. Mary Robinson attacks that one free country constantly, and for that gets a medal of freedom? It’s like the award of the old Lenin Peace Prize, invariably given only to those who helped destroy peace in favor of tyranny.

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