The nail in the coffin of “astroturfed” town halls

Sixty-one percent of Americans think that it’s perfectly okay to yell at your Congressional representative when you think s/he’s not listening to you. (Via Hot Air.)

Of those who had heard at least a little about the meetings, 61% say they think the way people have been protesting is appropriate; 34% say they see the protests as inappropriate. Not surprisingly, there is a large partisan divide: 80% of Republicans see the protests as appropriate, compared with 40% of Democrats and 64% of independents. A majority of Democrats (56%) say the way people have been protesting is inappropriate, compared with 15% of Republicans and 30% of independents.

Democrats are not in the mainstream opinion on this, but look at the stat for independents. (Here, too.) At this rate, 2010 could be a game-changer election. That 60-vote majority in the Senate seems likely to change.

And Obama’s approval ratings keep on falling.

But it’s worse than he realizes: If you’ve lost USA Today, you’ve lost America. The media are actually fact-checking Obama’s contentions now.

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