Cynical misery

Often those of us who support Israel claim that the Palestinian issue is one that was created and maintained by the Arab world in order to have a weapon against Israel.

A few weeks ago, Daniel Pipes linked to a release from Palestinian Media Watch noting recent declarations that it was the Arabs who largely encouraged the Palestinian Arabs to leave. Pipes documents similar claims over the years.

Now Elder of Ziyon links to an translation from MEMRI that documents how other Arab governments keep the Palestinians in misery.

These countries must stop treating the Palestinians like a plague, using slogans which, as we all know, have become nothing but empty utterances in a loathsome struggle. We must break the isolation of the Palestinians in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. A Palestinian should be made to feel like a welcome and dear guest – before some external intervention comes along and grants him the right to live in dignity, to everyone’s consternation. “We must support the Palestinians like the West supported the Jews. We must reassess the whole idea of refugee camps, before they collapse on top of us. Be God-fearing [in handling the issue of] the refugee camp dwellers. Stop fighting at the expense of the Palestinian people’s dignity.

JudeoPundit noticed an example of this activity at Al-Jazeera too.

As recently as 2005, Palestinian refugees were banned from taking up employment in 70 professions. Today, the number of restricted professions stands at 20 and includes senior medical, legal and engineering careers . . .

While these restrictions were recently eased, applicants must have a valid work permit and membership of the appropriate professional representative body. Both are beyond the financial means of most Palestinian refugees.

Keeping the Palestinians miserable isn’t something new either.

In other words the misery of the Palestinians is the result of a flight encouraged by other Arabs and it persists because of other Arabs. The cynicism is astounding.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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